sweep today or tomorrow! *updated - had sweep*


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
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Morning girls! I have my consultant appointment today and either get my sweep today or tomorrow. All depends on what the consultant does - if he doesn't give me one today then my MW told me that she will give me one on my due date...tomorrow!!! I know there's a chance that it probably won't work, but it may just get things going. I have been hoping that all these crampy pains and toilet trouble along with the bits of show (I am getting often now) are signs that my cervix is getting ready. MW said last week she thinks that the baby will be a 'fair size' and the consultant measured her at approx 6lb at 34 weeks so I don't want to go too far over...she won't fit out! :)

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OOooOOo - good luck Flopsy! Not long now! Just think, you'll have your LO by the weekend! :love:
Good luck hun! I have MW this afternoon and so far no sweeps have been mentioned x
Thanks girls - hopefully I have my little bunny by the weekend! :)

Clarebear22 - it was one of the first things my MW said to me last week lol! She must be desperate for me to have the baby so I stop phoning her over every little niggle! I think she may have mentioned it because the baby seems quite big, and there is history of big babies in my family. I was 8lb something, my sister was 9lb something and my cousin had 2 10lb babies! She had to have caesarians for both of hers and I was a caesarian and my mother ended up with forceps delivery and a blood transfusion after my sis. So the MW may not want to let me go too far incase of similar. Both my sis and I were 10 days late.

Good luck hope you get one today. My mf is giving me one next wedensday! and if that doesn't work she said I would be induced 12 days before I'm 14 days overdue.. so I'm pretty much sorted out.. haha.
Lol yeah you are!! My MW said that the consultant would discuss induction with me. I wish I wasn't going on my own - OH is working. :(

good luck flopsy fingers crossed will be today :) excited for u xx
awww no, it's not fine going on your own, can you not take a friend or tell him to phone in sick!
Not really. He is self employed and has a big job to do at the moment. And I have gone strange with my friends at the moment. It seems the further on I get the more distant I am with them. I just don't want to see them or for them to ask me about the pregnancy or talk about the baby. I don't want to hear it until I know the baby is ok. I'm strange!!

Eeek. I'm in the waiting room now...

Thats the same with me, I just can't bothered going to see them, sounds awful eh, but I'm just wanting to lounge about and not have to make any sort of effort with anyone. tbh if I could I would stay in my pjs all day and not leave the house just now. hehe.

Exciting your in the waiting room - I'm well excited for you! :lol:
I'm a bit more nervous now. Just had the MW check before I see the consultant and there is protein in my urine. Hopefully nothing to worry about but the MW didn't seem very happy.

Well he gave me the sweep. It hurt and has made me bleed. The good thing is that I am already 1.5cm dilated before he did the sweep and baby is fully engaged. He reckoned I should go into labour in a day or two but have had an iduction booked for the 25th if I don't. He estimates her at 8lb.

O wow! Will be great if you do go into labour tonight and have a due date baby!! Xx
Hope you have her in the next few days then hun!! 8lbs is a good weight too! :) x

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