Surgery on lady bits?


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2010
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Ended up having to go back to the hospital today to get checked as I have an infection 'down there'
I'm on 2 different types of antibiotics and co codamol, the pain is awful :(
The doctor said if it doesn't heal this week I may need to be admitted to get dressings done everyday by the plastic surgery dressings doctors. She also said cosmetically it'll never be the same again and that I may need plastic surgery at some point.
Has anyone else had similar problems? And needed surgery? Right now I don't care what it looks like I just want the pain to go away :(

Oh hun I honestly can't relate to what you're going through (I had a section) but I wanted to give you :hug: as Ive been reading how much pain your in. I really hope the antibiotics work their magic and the pain gets better. :hug:
Aww Hun sending you massive :hug: no advice though sorry xxxx
Hope your Not in so much pain soon :hugs: my stitches hurt for ages i had 3 deep tears. it doesn't look the same now (don't think it ever will!) But the pain did eventually go away xx
Aww :hugs: hope you don't have to have any surgery and that you get well soon xxx

Thanks girls, just trying to rest as much as possible, hopefully the antibiotics kick in soon!

My eldest lads step mum had infection after infection after she had her daughter-it took Countless gp visits and 3 consultants till they finally agreed that things weren't right down there and finally had her op 10 months after givin birth. But she has healed fine-hopefully ul heal quicker but don't be fobbed off by anyone if u think it's not right then push them to listen to u. Xxx
Hope the tablets kick in and your in abit less pain soon xxx
Oh Hun, I'm sorry you're having to go through that, I hope the tablets fo their job nice and quick and you don't have to have any more treatment! :hugs:
Feels like the pain is slightly less today, thanks for asking hun. I'll know more about surgery etc next Friday, but I think i will have to wait a few months. Really hoping the pain will completely go in the next few days

x x x x
oh poor you just seen this. Hope you ar eon the mend soon and feeling better. Hope you don't need surgery too.:hugs:
Hey!! Congrats on your baby! Sorry I've missed so much lol.
Ahh honey it does go, Sofia is 4 months and i can't have sex cos I find it a bit tender (I had 52 stitches) and I am hoping it goes a little more normal than this! I really feel for you as I know the agony it can be. Mine didn't get infected but the doctors had me checked a lot after I asked! No one even bothered looking at me until I said I want them looked at. It's grim but it will get better. Hope you're ok, xxxx
Hope you feel much better soon hun X
Ahh honey it does go, Sofia is 4 months and i can't have sex cos I find it a bit tender

Ahh im so glad im not the only one!! Sam is 16 weeks old almost and sex is still too painful (I had an episiotomy and a tear)

I hope you are feeling tonnes better huni xxx

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