Suprise suprise..back in hospital AGAIN!

Oh Pos......sending you lots of :hug: xx
You poor thing :hug: I thought you'd had far more then your fair share of illness already :-( hope you are on the mend very soon :hug: you deserve a break xxx
thanks everyone, ur all as lovely as ever!

well, ultrasound on my side came back clear so they decided they were going to do a chest x-ray. they told me its fine during pregnancy!!

so i waited around for 2 hours and was eventually taken to X-ray where i thought i would ask what the risks which the lady replies 'oh, ur pregnant, we need to check this out'. so they call the radiographer on call and she said 100% no way would they x-ray me in my current condition i.e. not on deaths door!

so i go back up to the ward and the doctor says sorry for sending me down! they get the senior consultant to check my chest, tell me its all fine and its probably muscule-skeletol (?) which was caused by all the coughing.

so been sent home for lots of rest..again! OH is cooking dinner and has told me he's doing all the cleaning, cooking and shopping this weekend, bless! xxxx
Lol it is stupid re chest x ray the dose is so small. My friend had one at 8 weeks cos she has a PE. But she said the rads were a bit jumpy about it! Bearing in mind we are therapy rads the diagnostic dose is tiny! Lol!
hi mrs mc, that's what the first team said but the radiographer wasn't having none of it. she said later in pregnancy its ok but not before 12 weeks! xx
Glad you're back home safe and sound. As a radiographer surprised they refused to do it as Mrs MC said the dose is so tiny, you'd pick it up asw background radiation from generally living anyway in a couple of days! Still best not to have them tho if it doesn't change your management! Hope hubby spoils you rotten and I'm sure he can manage cleaning for longer than just a weekend hehe :o) xx
Glad you're back home safe and sound. As a radiographer surprised they refused to do it as Mrs MC said the dose is so tiny, you'd pick it up asw background radiation from generally living anyway in a couple of days! Still best not to have them tho if it doesn't change your management! Hope hubby spoils you rotten and I'm sure he can manage cleaning for longer than just a weekend hehe :o) xx

Yey fellow rad howdy!

Agreed about OH pos hope u takes good care of you and LO
well hopefully its a good thing and there's nothing wrong with my lungs! xxx
Glad you are home safe and sound sweetie. I had bronchitis once and all the coughing did cause a lot of muscle pain afterwards!! :hug:
Take it ultra easy, don't you lift a finger. Have you got a tv in your room so you can just stay in bed? Have you got plenty of books and magazines?
Hope this is the end of all the pain and sickness for you now hun and that you sail through the rest of this pregnancy, you certaily deserve to be cut some slack! xxx
:hugs: thank u princess, i appreciate your support as always!

i really hope this is the end of it too, i can't face that hospital again unless its antenatal/pregnancy scan related ;)

i have a tv in my bedroom :) i'm going to get OH to get me lots of magazines tomorrow and i'm going toooooo....................relax! xxx
Glad to hear you're home, make sure OH looks after you. Get yourself a bell to ring as and when you need something to make sure he knows when to come running lol.

Take care!!
great idea kedi, he went to the shops to get dinner, made the dinner and done all the washing up. and he's just sat down and said 'i've been non stop since i got back from work' er...welcome to my world!!

a bell would be great, i'm sure i can get an iphone app!!? xxx
thanks louise, feel like i'm going to chop in half everytime i cough but for now....still in one piece! xxx

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