Suffered MMC , hcg dropped & now slowly rising?


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2017
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I’m not really sure if anyone has had a similar experience , but I am so tired of going back & forth to my hospital & no one explaining to me what is going on with my body :(
I miscarried last week, the day before I had an U/S which showed no pregnancy in my womb & a shadow near my right ovary. They were saying it was either a cyst or ectopic.
The day after I had painful cramps & passed clots, they confirmed by HCG levels were dropping & I had miscarried.
Today my hcg has gone from 71 to 88 , I know it’s only risen slightly but now I am worrying that it could still be related to an ectopic pregnancy?

I’m trying not to get stressed or upset but I really don’t no how much more I can take. The whole experience has been horrible & I was just starting to feel myself again.
Sorry this is happening to you. :(
The only reason ikno of is what you've said about the ectopic. Sorry didn't wanna read and run. I would see the GP to have a look at your notes and maybe they can explain what is happening x
Hiya , thank you I do fear it’s an ectopic with it now going up slightly , I’ve just had no symptoms or any sort of pain.
You could have retained tissue Hun. Have thy advised on a plan to help you?? You could have a d&c to empty the womb if you’ve got retained tissue.

Did they say they were worried about ectopic when you got your results? Your hcg needs to be back to normal levels before your cycle will kick in again and if it’s ectopic it could continue to grow. It needs managing if the numbers are going the other way.

I had an ectopic in March this year.

Fx this is resolved quickly for you xx
Do you have another appointment for bloods?

I hope they are able to give you answers xx
Defo ask for it looking into further. Big hugs xxx

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Yeah I have to go back today & they said it’s to make a plan of where to go next.
Hopefully there’s something they can sort soon, as all it’s been so far is trips back & forh ..
thank you girls.
They did say they thought it was suspicious that they saw a shadow on my ovary but then said it could of been a cyst & ive heard nothing about it since :/
BB...i hope you get some answers. Its such a difficult time. Hopefully some clarity might help a little x
I’m being treated for an ectopic & will be having methotrexate injection Monday :(
They also gave me the option to leave it & do nothing or keyhole surgery to diagnose it & remove there and then but because my hcg is only at 80 odd it’s only very very small so the injection will hopefully stop the cells from dividing & clear remaining tissue.
Not looking forward to it at all .. the dr also said we can’t try again for 6 months but everywhere I’ve ready online says 3 months just to allow everything to of left my system when my hcg gets back to 0.
Ah gosh I really had no idea this is what people have to go through and my heart goes out to anyone who is going through a similar thing I wouldn’t wish this on anyone x
I'm so sorry :(
I've never had an ectopic but read on here people having to wait 3 months adter that injection, maybe to do with something in it? Not sure why.
This is so unfair for you :(

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Awhh hun :(
Drs usually overestimate so they can't be blamed for anything. If you feel comfortable trying again after 3 months then do it. Xx
You poor love.

I think with the methotrexate it is quite important you wait because it is highly toxic and can cause birth defects if you conceive too soon after.

I had surgery for a ruptured ectopic and removal of a Fallopian tube in March. I have today given birth to a baby boy conceived 5 weeks after that surgery. If I can help in any way please don’t hesitate to ask. Perhaps watching for a few more Days might be an option to see if the hcg goes down on its own?
Thank you for the kind words :)
Yeah he said it’s because it may still be in my system , I guess we will sort some form on contraception out for the next 3 months just in case. I just can’t wait for all this to be over now, get my cycles back to normal so we can try again in a few months.
They did say they want to do another blood test before just to see whether my levels have gone up or down anymore since Tuesday.
It’s so reassuring Torino to hear that you have gone on to have a little boy. :)
Just thought I would update this thread in case anyone was wondering what happened next sort of thing ..
Well I went for what I thought was going to be the dreaded methotrexate injection last Monday , my bloods showed hcg had gone from 81 to 47 so almost halved and therefore they decided to not give me it.
I didn’t have to go back for a week so that will be the 29th jan, if they have gone down to a lower level hopefully I will be discharged & that’s the end of it.
I don’t no anyone else that has had an unconfirmed ectopic & body has seemed to get rid of everything on its own.
We are keen to try again ASAP no one has advised us to wait because of this ? The hospital told me that once my hcg levels are below 7 this is a safe level & they can discharge me.
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Hi beckyboo. Not sure how long you have to wait for ectopic. When i had my mmc, consultant said i could try straight away provided i felt physically and emotionally ready. I think they still like you to have one af but thats just for dating purposes. You might need to ask how long should you wait as it could be different with an ectopic. There was a paper published by a team up in Aberdeen suggesting women no longer need to wait. Cant recall name of study but if you google it, it might be worth a read (around 4 years ago i think). Hopefully youve read the research that suggests women that mc have an 86% chance of having a healthy pregnancy that goes to term. Hope youre doing ok xx
This is good news hun.. your body is dealing with it naturally. Which will mean no surgery or toxic drugs to end the pregnancy.

I think the best outcome for you considering the situ. You’ll be able to try again straight away when your cycle returns back to normal. Though the medics might advise you to wait one cycle for dating purposes.

I was told to wait 3 months after my salpingectomy. I conceived 5 weeks after the surgery.
Hey Melly , thanks we are keen to try again as soon as cycle gets back to normal. I have had a lot of support from friends & family which has helped get me through this as well as everyone on here :)
I hadn’t heard of that study before but thank you for letting me know , il see what the drs day when I go back for more bloods tomorrow. Apart from that I’m doing fine, how are you doing , everything going okay?

Thank you torino , I felt quite relieved that this has been the outcome , quite lucky I think too.
5 weeks wow that’s amazing! It took us 6 months before this to conceive & the last two months before we had recently got a puppy I’d lost track of my cycle and we weren’t even really trying as such! I won’t be getting my hopes up that it will happen straightaway even though I’m lhoping it won’t take very long, but you just never no! Ah I’m so glad you went on to get pregnant though & everything was fine, it’s very reassuring to hear x
Hi hun.

My third loss was a bit of a mystery and an unconfirmed ectopic which all ended naturally.

I had a normal period , on time. Then on CD13 I had spotting which I thought maybe ovulation spotting but as it was out of the ordinary I did a pregnancy test and got a positive! Obviously no dates worked as I was only on day 13 of my cycle so I headed off to the doctor for beta hcg. Levels had increased but not doubled which meant that at that time the pregnancy was progressing but still not sure what was going on. Had a scan a few days later and no pregnancy could be seen but she couldn't visualise my tubes properly so took more bloods and if hcg still going up wanted to repeat scan as concerned about ectopic. Hcg levels had dropped by then so my body was dealing with it naturally.

We took a 3 month break from TTC after that as we were having recurrent miscarriage testing. Had the loss in May, started TTC again in August and I fell pregnant again first cycle trying and gave birth to my daughter in May.

Miscarriage is just awful and I'm so sorry you've gone through this. It must be a relief to have avoided the injection though and you can start TTC again as soon as you feel ready. I hope and pray that your next pregnancy brings you your little bubba.


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