Stupid "friend"


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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I'm so irritated!!! My "friend" has just text me saying to ring him, so i asked why he couldnt ring me and he was like "oh i have no money and i know you have minutes and money" how rude is that to start with!!!

So anyway i rang him and said i thought it was rude to assume i have money, my other friend does this too! So he starts going on about how he's just had an exam and thinks hes failed, so i tried the whole im sure you're fine thing and pointing out that as long as he gets over 40% It makes no difference as it's his first year and can only pass or fail. He starts going on about leaving the exam early, so again i pointed out how last year i left one 90mins early and still passed, and he keeps going on about how he's gonna be a failure etc

So anyway i started getting a little irritated and tried pointing out hes been revising and even if he does fail the exam he'll just do it again in september and learn from it. So he starts having a go at me and saying how its ok for me cos if i fail i've got something else and how all my benifits will get me through (i havnt even looked at benefits im entitle to yet or anything) and how he's gotta get a job and i've got it made and i'm gonna be rolling in it when baby is here.

Then he started going on about how he has to work after exams to pay for a holiday!! WTF why is he complaining about wokinh for a holiday :roll: so i jsut said oh well at least you'll get a holiday so dont complain and he starts going on about working for his money and saying i get maoney for nothing, i'm getting meternity pay from work, which i am entitled to, and he's going on about how its my own fault i have a baby and i got myself in this situation and how much better off then him i am (he has two jobs works a lot, has a relatively new car, lives in a castle converted in to flats with mum and dad, is living the uni dream of going out etc, and is trying to fulfill his dreams of being in the police by being in the specials)

Irritates me so much as he knows i NEVER ask people for money, i have saved so much for Tally myself, and bought everything myself appart from where my mum and baby daddies mum have asked to buy soemthing, and even then i've tried to tell them they dont have to. I'm doing exams jsut like he is atm, i've messed up my year at uni but i'm going to do everything i can to pass it, and now he's making out i've gotten pregnant for money and how i'm gonng be living like a princess when she's here being a lady who lunches and having the time of my life!!
GOD he's delusional, and he's jsut text me saying he's sorry but looks at others situations and thinks he's worse off WTF :rotfl: :rotfl: he wants to live the past 6 months of my life then he'll change his mind.
:shock: OMG!!! How rude!!

it sounds to me like he is jealous and also full of self pitty, thinking everyone else is better off than him!

Don't know what to suggest really hun-I think I'd probably stay away from him for a while...he's not a great friend if he sppeaks to you like that! :(

You know you haven't had it easy, aren't rolling in money and are just doing what is best for you and tally. Just ignore him. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Grrr, it annoys me when people see mums as sitting on their bums all day claiming off the state. Raising a child is the hardest and most important job anyone can do! A couple of girls at my work who have stressful management jobs have recently had babies and they've both said work is a peice of p*ss compared to looking after the baby.

A friend of mine, who earns loads, was moaning the other day about having to pay tax for me to sit on my bum at home with baby (he was joking but still..)

I'd love to see your friend swap roles with you and see how he copes! xx
Tell him to get a grip and stop being a selfish whiner!!!! :hug:
How bloody annoying, like Mandspice said I HATE people who think having a baby is easy and we get loads of money for doing it. This is so untrue, and others (mostly childless men) think it's their right to make these accusations :evil: they actually know nothing and really need to live a day in someone else shoes just to see how wrong they bloody are!!!

Alex xxx
Firstly :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
from me you did not deserve to be talked to like that especailly as you were trying to be supportive :x

Ok pregnant = rolling it in - load of money =got it made :? :? :? :?

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :x :x :x
is he demented we do not get that much in benefits sorry but thats just so rediculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what benifits we get cover the cost of food if were luck enough but nothing much else (i will not go into the people who do milk the beneifit system) But pregnancy and the money we get for child benifit and if your lucky working tax credit(we dont) or family element dosnt add up to a fortune is not milking or raking it in.

and money for nothing from work :shock: excuse me we worked for that money :shakehead:

oh im furious now people like that make my blood boil :twisted: :twisted:

tell him to SOD OFF AND GROW UP :twisted: im sorry if im out of turn hes a friend but if someone said that to me im afriad id tell them to well SWEAR word off id not even bother trying to get my point across with some people :wall: they have an idea in there heads and thats it

mandspice said:

A friend of mine, who earns loads, was moaning the other day about having to pay tax for me to sit on my bum at home with baby (he was joking but still..)

I'd love to see your friend swap roles with you and see how he copes! xx

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Sit on our arses with a baby :roll: i really hope he was kidding!!!!!! and i think you should get him to babysit see how much lazing about he dose and if he still thinks youve got it easy then :rotfl:
he always was weird tho....Like i said, ask him what his mum did when she got pregnant with him? did she take maternity pay? I think so!!

Either that or tell him I'm funding your princess lifestyle (I'll buy you a plastic tiara)
:x he doesn't know what he's talking about! Ignore him. :hug: xx

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