OH nesting?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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My OH is doing more nesting than I am! Since Wednesday when I told him we'd got the ok for home birth and they'll drop the box off this Wednesday he's gone into overdrive! Think he's realised that we're going to have a baby and has been hoovering, cleaning, sorting, tidying and generally nesting ever since! He's also been encouraging me to relax more and keeps saying how lucky he is to have such a great family and how much he loves us! Anyone elses OH nesting and emotional? x
Aw that's so sweet!!!! Mine is crap! You asked for weeks to do something and he's still a nightmare to do it. I've asked him today to move stuff up the attic and do a few other things before my father yes my father comes round this week to help me give my house a good clean! ( my father is a clean freak and offered by the way lol)

So you got a good one there Hun! Xx
Hehe yep sounds like you got lucky Helen! My OH is very good but I don't think he's got his head around the whole baby thing. He reckons as Lizzie will be in with us to begin with then we don't need a room for her, so I have to keep showing him all the STUFF that comes with a baby and asking him where he expects it all to go. He'd happily keep his spare room and keep baby stuff in bin bags I reckon!
Ha ha. Phil had a nesting session yesterday. Cleaned the house and decided to cook 5 meals to freeze them so when little man came we could eat proper meals etc. . . Kept telling me to not do much etc. How adorable. However on that note we are completely ready for this baby. Food is done everything is washed and clean it really is now just a waiting game. Hopefully sweep tomorrow is successful x
..:) Thats so sweet..I am happy for u..just trying my hubby reads this and starts thinking about it..:)
Demba dont clean atall at mine! but he did say when we get our house that he want to get over there setting everything up for me before i move in. That would be nice :love:
I do feel so so lucky! x On absolute cloud nine! x
yeah me too!! phils planning on cleaning when he finishes work tomorrow as well!

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