Stretch marks - prevention?


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Just wondered whether anyone has had any thoughts about using any products to try and prevent stretch marks.
I read that it's best to start at the beginning of Tri 2. Have read lots of different reviews - lots saying that many products don't actually work - I can't decide if it's really worth spending lots of cash on lotions and potions that likely won't work!
Also not sure that they are all safe - have read some things that Bio Oil is not safe?? Now I'm confused!
Any thoughts, Ladies...?
I was told that if they were going to happen they will happen and sure enough they did for me :( but they have just died down and Im pregnant again lol

Other people have however, tried creams etc and have not had any but i guess they may be the lucky ones not prone to them anyway!

I have stretchmarks down to my knees and all the way up my sides from when i was younger so I was most def prone to them lol

I've just started using palmers coco butter for stretch marks. In wilkos for under £4. Pretty sure both mum n sis used it and said it did the job for them. Bio oil seems like the best but it is pricey. And just after forking out over £400 on my car, I gta try to save the pennies!xx
I'm guessing you're right, Jaxx - if you've got the skin that's prone to them, then you'll get them anyway - my skin is very dry, and I have loads of wrinkles :( , so I'm guessing I will get loads of stretchmarks too :(
Thanks, Lulabell, will check out Wilkos - I am reluctant to spend too much either - would rather save my pennies to buy some nice bits and bobs for the little one! :)
cocobutter meant to be good and bio oil iv not treid either? think just massage and moisturising helps too xxx
Ive got cocoa butter, DH is already rubbin it into my belly! He wants to bond with Pip :D
We decided years ago baby would be Pip! Welcome to ur Pip! Lol! How far gone r u? xx
I dont think anything works tbh you either get them or you don't I suppose if you use the products and don't get them then it makes you think it does work I think it's a marketing thing I got loads last time so will def get them again xx
Yeah I heard creams dont work that well but said id try anyway just to be on the safe side as i got some on my legs and hips just from a bit of weight gain, So anyway I bought bio oil cos i found it on sale but its just too oily to use especially in the morning when in a rush to get dressed for work

I did how ever hear that the creams that help remove stretch marks are quite good bu you have to start sing them straight within the first few weeks after birth, Dont have the names of any recomended once but the prog i seen it on said they werent safe during pregnancy because of the chemicles in them but once you had baba start applying straight away

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