stretch marks?

I used plamers stuff all over my belly and only got one strechmark after Evie was born :twisted:

I didn't use it on my boobs though so I ended up getting stripey tits :wall: 4 months later they are almost fading but I am oiling myself up with bio oil now! :rotfl:
I havent been doing my boobs either, so might make sure i do that from now on.
I've been using the Mum to Be body butter from Sanctuary (get from Boots) I haven't got one new stretchmark.. all my old ones have stretched instead :lol:
I don't think there's any miracle cure for stretchmarks sadly :wall: I used the Palmers Cocoa Butter stuff, Rescue Oil (cheap bio oil substitute from Wilkos) and now Bio Oil....and I have quite a few on my thighs and tummy :( I am also prone to them though, so I don't think any amount of moisturising helps. The reason they go red is because your skin has stretched so much you are actually looking at the lower layers of your skin :puke: So moisturising isn't really going to do a great deal at hiding that unfortunately. Just take comfort in the fact that they will fade with time! :) I'm not too worried about them to be honest :)

C xxx
It's not going to make happy reading but I'm sure I saw a programme about pregnancy and stretch marks which interviewed a dermatologist. She said that stretch marks are formed in the lower levels of the skin so any creams or potions put on the top layer of skin will have little if any effect. If you get stretch marks or not depends on the natural collagen content of your skin and how quickly or how big you get. We just have to live with the after effects. Bio oil will help reduce the redness of them though.
I used a cream from tesco cant remember the name but im sure it smelt of coconut. I only had a few stretch marks on my sides, but after labor i had them going all down my legs, i didnt have them before labor lol. My doctor said that they were stress marks from the labor (had never heard of them before) They went within 6 months they looked the same as normal stretch marks but when they disappeared they left no trace not like the ones on my sides they have turned silverish so you cant hardly notice them.
It's all about fighting them from the inside. Make sure you are well nourished.

I was prone to stretch marks and got them as a teenager when I had a really poor diet. But for the last few years I've eaten healthily. During pregnancy I took an essential fatty acid mix, vitamin c, applied vitamin e oil (from a capsule), zinc (within a calcium supplement) and pregnacare. I also applied Earth Mama Angel Baby oil twice daily. Pricey but it was only for 9 months.

No more stretch marks for me :)

Sam was a month early though - I know alot of people get stretch marks in the last couple of weeks of pregnancy.

L xxx
i used palmers cocoa butter stretch mark cream religiously on my bump, and i believe it worked- as i did not get one single stretchmark on my bump despite ballooning from a tiny size 6 to about a size 20 around my waist at full term :shock:

the reason i think its the cream and not just good genes is that altho my boobs went from 32B to 34E, i didnt anticipate them growing enough to warrant putting cream on. and hey presto, at 38 weeks gone one day suddenly a load of little stretchies appeared on my boobs overnight :( so its not my genes i am able to get them!

i used bio-oil on them for over 6 months after the birth (expensive but one bottle lasted me the whole time so good value for money really) and they are not even visible now.

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