I was found to be a carrier of Group B Strep during a routine smear a few years ago; now I'm pregnant I've got an extra hospital appointment at 20 weeks to discuss my options but will have another test at 36 weeks to see if I'm still carrying or not, (it can come and go), if I'm not then I can give birth at a community midwife centre, (yay!), if not I have to go to hospital in early labour and be in IV anti biotics for the duration, meaning no water birth, and baby will likely have to have anti biotics for at least a week after birth.
It's very common, it's a bacteria, (same group as meningitis), that around 30% of the population have in their body, women tend to carry it in the birth canal which is how babies can contract it during labour and birth. If they contract it, it can kill, but it's generally picked up early and anti'b's cure it.
Definitely read up on it and if you can get a test - do it!!! I'm sad I'm a carrier, but glad I know.