Strep B testing on this morning? Scary stuff


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
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Anyone see it? Anyone getting the test done? Can't believe they don't offer it routinely on the NHS when so many babies die from it! Dr Chris' info is on the ITV website x
i saw it Vic and im going to look into getting it done privately! Its disgusting they dont offer such a much needed test on the NHS.
Mum made a point of ringing me and telling me to get it done. She mentioned something about the results only being 50% accurate if done on the NHS so to get it done privately or something?!? Just seems like there's always something to worry about and it's really annoying me. First the flu jab dilemma and now this Strep business!! Gonna ask the midwife about it as I think if it was that pressing pregnant women would be made priority like with the flu jab?
I didn't see this morning, what is this all about?
I was found to be a carrier of Group B Strep during a routine smear a few years ago; now I'm pregnant I've got an extra hospital appointment at 20 weeks to discuss my options but will have another test at 36 weeks to see if I'm still carrying or not, (it can come and go), if I'm not then I can give birth at a community midwife centre, (yay!), if not I have to go to hospital in early labour and be in IV anti biotics for the duration, meaning no water birth, and baby will likely have to have anti biotics for at least a week after birth.

It's very common, it's a bacteria, (same group as meningitis), that around 30% of the population have in their body, women tend to carry it in the birth canal which is how babies can contract it during labour and birth. If they contract it, it can kill, but it's generally picked up early and anti'b's cure it.

Definitely read up on it and if you can get a test - do it!!! I'm sad I'm a carrier, but glad I know.

An old friends baby died of this-she had a normal pregnancy and birth (was her second baby) and unfortunately strep b was passed to him durin delivery and he only survived a few hours. She's since had another child and all was fine with antibiotics. It is shocking that it's not routinely checked for xx
Apparantly it's routinely offered in America & Europe but in the UK the NHS won't fund it! all comes down to cost again! I'll certainly be getting it done, it's a home test kit for 32 quid apparantly & if they pick it up u can be treated if u have it & aren't tested it passes to the baby during labour & the baby becomes seriously ill or can die :( I don't understand why they check u for STIs as these can affect baby on the way out but they don't test for strep B?!!! If u had it u wouldn't even know it, that's the scary thing :( x
Mum made a point of ringing me and telling me to get it done. She mentioned something about the results only being 50% accurate if done on the NHS so to get it done privately or something?!? Just seems like there's always something to worry about and it's really annoying me. First the flu jab dilemma and now this Strep business!! Gonna ask the midwife about it as I think if it was that pressing pregnant women would be made priority like with the flu jab?

It's a virus Lex that lives harmlessly in the body without symptoms, it affects around 4 in 10 women & if you have it you have to have antibiotics before your baby born.
This mornings GP Dr Chris was saying it should be offered on the NHS & he has delivered a petition of 1000s of doctors signatures to 10 Downing street as the medical world feel really strongly about it but government refused to offer it because of cost.
Even though they offer it in America & the rest of Europe. x
As far as I know it's not very easy to routinely screen for it as even if you do have it you will sometimes test negative. I wasn't tested during pregnancy but it came up in a screen when I was very ill years ago so I've had IV antibiotics in labour both times and had to stay in for them to be monitored for 24 hours after birth x
They test everyone here for it toward the end of pregnancy. (I live in the US.) It's an easy swab test, I was actually positive with each of my previous pg's. So, they put me on an antibiotic drip as soon as my water broke and I went in, that ran through labor and delivery and was taken out - babies did not need any antibiotics/further Rx. (I think they said the drip needed to be going for a couple hours before I gave birth...) I honestly didn't realize it was so serious!! I think here, the thought is as long as they treat with abx it's not really anything to worry about, it's a standard test/treatment.
I have just ordered my kit from the medi-save website. The test kit is free and you pay £32 lab fees. They will send the results to you and your health care provider. I asked my midwife about it and she thought it was a good idea. There is a 'Group B Strep Support' site that gives all of the info about testing etc. Optimum time to test is between 35 and 37 weeks, so could not have come at a better time for me, once the test kit arrives. Phew!
Good news Kandle! Let me know how you get on, Im going to order mine nearer the time x
We're so lucky that in Guernsey every pregnant woman is screened routinely, I'm so glad. e aren't covered by the NHS over here though, all healthcare is private.
I had this with all my pgs but i didn't know till after i had my first, i was told that it was missed in my notes i was so scared! They passed my oh a leaflet explaining everything, he wouldn't let me read it but once i got home i did, my first baby was lucky being i had not antibiotic it was such a long labour, he got stuck and all sorts so what a good job he was OK, i had the antibiotics with my 2nd with my 3rd i didn't have all cos labour was just 6 hours, and with my 4th i had none i was only in hospital 45mins then had her! I think its a disgrace were not routinely tested my babies were lucky others may not be as lucky as mine were, all it takes is some antibiotics and midwife to tell you all about what to do when you go into labour and baby will have nothing wrong with them due to GBS, please ladies who have it DONT worry as long as you get to hospital in pleanty of time and get the antibiotics all will be well your baby will still be moniterd for 24 hours after birth and i was told to keep a close eye on baby and if she is AT ALL ILL take her the docs but like i said dont worry girls. x
Hey ladies, I thought I'd post an update on the Group B Strep test. My kit came quickly from the medi-save site and it came to the time to take the sample this week. It was slightly embarrassing, a sample from the lower vagina and one from inside the anus....lucky I have a very open and understanding partner to help out!

Anyhoo, samples have been taken and the test sent back to the company with my £32 fee. I've opted for my results to be sent directly to my midwife and also to me by text message.

I'll let you know how I get on when the results come back. Wish me luck!

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