Hmmmm, but ONE of the big problems with Step B is that babies do catch it even when their mother's don't carry it. This being the case, you can't assume that when babies do develop it, they have caught it from their mothers. The test also is not reliable, it only picks up 50% of cases, and I think another user has posted that for the test to be accurate it needs to be repeatedly performed over a series of days. Our MW implied that the easiest way of telling if a baby does get it, is by carefully observing the babies behaviour - something which I assume all MW are aware of. Sadly some babies will die of it, even those whose mums have been taking anti-biotics during labour. This might make sense as the route of transmission is not clear. It is a horrible complication and of course it's dreadful when it leads to infant death, but (for me) the problem is that it has been turned into a political campaign by the current opposition, playing on the fears of us expectant mums..... There are so many things that can go wrong, but most of the time they do go ok.