Strep B Test


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2008
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I am due to have a Strep B test on Monday - is this done in UK too or is it ANOTHER one of Spain's peculiarities....? :roll:

(the test doesn't sound nice... that's all :shakehead: )
Hi Ani,

From what my midwife has told me (in England, do not want to go outside of here as they have different rules in certain parts of the UK for everything nowadays) .. but I take everything she says with a pinch of salt "bit scatty" that they do not routinely check women for Strep B.. you are just lucky if you get it done.

Also she told me that every women used to get the IV antibotics during labour but due to good old NHS cutbacks they no longer do this and its a case that if they detect it then you get them if not then its a case of whether or not it is picked up which I think is a total scandal in this day and age.. but hey thats the government for you.

If I am wrong about this information please let me know, but thats what I was told.

The test is performed the same way they do a smear test with a speculum and take a swab.. :(

Hope this helps
Take care
Kathy x
From my bit of research and questioning the test can be a waste of time as it can show up negative but then by the next day you could have it so unless they tested as you are about to give birth there isnt much point.
I would say definately get it done. You are really lucky that you get it as routine as im going to have to pay for mine. A couple of poeple i know had it done and they tested positive so had to have antiobiotics. Babies can actually die from strep b yet its not on the NHS.. crazy!!!

Claire x
I say go for it too........Ill be looking into getting tested for it later down the line!

Whilst we were living in France a pregnant friend was tested for Strep B and tested positive, she was then treated and regularly monitored to ensure all was ok.

All that said they test for everything in France and are much more thorough than they are in the UK (free healthcare isnt always the best thing, if it means you get a poorer service :( )

Sorry to butt in.......will disappear back to Tri 2 now :D
Im gonna ask for it at my next appointment, as Ive had it before (from a routine swab) so its on my mind :roll:
My MW may try and fob me off, but I will do the swab myself if she cant be bothered doing it :shakehead: saves her a job :rotfl:

Im also doing it coz FOUR of my friends have had it and I just dont like them odds!
hiya, I had a test done with my first baba, I didn't know I was being tested for it though as I went happend to in hospital because I had some bleeding at around 19wks they did some kind of sweep sort of like when you get a smear test done. I was called in I think about 3-4wks later and total I had B Strep. When I was in labour I did recieve the IV antibiotic drip. I mentioned it again this time round and I'm goingto have the same precaustions during labour as last time but when I further enquired about why more testing wasn't done (throughout the UK) I was advised that B Strep is one of these things that you could test postivie for one week and it could gone the next, so it would have been possible that by the time I gave birth to Otis I was no longer a carrier and even with this pregnancy so it is not a difinitive test, so I guess in away it makes sense why they don't just test everyone. Just as long as your baby is monitored after labour and that is only if you have a natural birth - you can't pass it on if you have a C-section.

Makes sense???
I had Gp B Strep and it was found in my urine during a routine test which apparently carries a higher risk of it being passed on to babies. I had the drip during my labour which unfortunately failed as the line kinked, but I ended up with a c- section. You still need to have the antibiotics even if you had a c section as it can still be passed on. Isaac ended up having to go to SCBU for his anitibiotics every so often as my drip didn't work. So no matter how you had your baby you still need antibiotics and the baby does too. They tested him and did cultures and he's fine :D
All comments much appreciated. I actually don't have a choice about the matter it seems... I have been told to go for one and that's it! Sounds as if its worth it anyway, from what you guys say.

Thanks. :hug:
It is so good that Spain do that. I have been tested at every midwife appointment with this baby as they suspect that is why I had my first son at 34 weeks. I wish everyone was tested here. So far, I haven't tested positive. Hope your test goes well!
Hi girls.

Well I went yesterday morning for my blood test and Strep B test. They sure know how to do it differently here. I was handed what looked like a very long cotton ear bud and a tube filled with stuff that looked like what they put in petri dishes back in biology class, and told to "collect a sample" myself. :rotfl:

I was so shocked. But I guess its less traumatic. I just hope I did it right... :?

I am collecting the results tomorrow evening and then going to my doctor's appointment. Can't wait to see my baby boy again... :cheer:

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