strangest pregnancy symptoms!

I didn't notice anything different before my BFP but after I got it I craved anything mint and almost squirted toothpaste in my mouth one morning!

I couldn't stand the smell of bacon or parsnips until he was born! x
Not really strange, but (tmi) I had loads of cm when pregnant, so much so that I had to wear a towel from tri 2 onwards - it went through pantyliners :blush: x
I need weetabix nearly all the time but i go through stages where i have to touch things haha, not good when you dont know the person but need to feel the texture of something they are wearing!! :shock::lol: x
Crunchy nut cornflakes!!

And bread......and butter, sandwiches, pizza, chips, carbs!!!
Ha glad it wasn't just me :) xx

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So far it's lemons. Cutting them into slices and sooking on them, loving that! Nothing else yet, with my first pregnancy it was Rice Crispies, could not get enough of them and I hate cereal usually!
When I sneeze it's no longer just the once, always sneeze twice in a row.
So far it's lemons. Cutting them into slices and sooking on them, loving that! Nothing else yet, with my first pregnancy it was Rice Crispies, could not get enough of them and I hate cereal usually!

My craving is lemons too!! I have a wedge (usually about half) in a cup of hot water about 3 times a day and then cold water with lemon squeezed into it the rest of time plus anything else lemony I can get my hands on!
My sister in law just made me the most delicious lemon drizzle cake!!!
I started having to Always use a straw to drink juice with all the time I carry them
Around in my handbag etc lol xxxx
This thread is funny it's mad what being pregnant can do to us xxxx
I've gone off chocolate and sweets :-( its so strange as all my life that's what I've lived on haha!
Here's one I remembered today. My nose went all huge! A few people noticed as well lol. It was a lot wider. I only just remembered because I noticed today that it was looking trimmer!

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