Older mums

Hi everyone, I'm Allie and I'm 43.......................... and nine weeks pregnant :dance:.
Guess I'm a bit of a late starter :shock:

Never really met the right man until 5 years ago. We weren't really ready until last year when I came off the pill after being on it since I was 16 and fell pregnant two months later.
Unfortunately I miscarried at 8 weeks. We then laid off really trying for a few months and started again back end of last year and had no success until I stopped using KYjelly.
Was the OH who did quite a bit of digging to find that KY isn't really the thing to use if you are trying to conceive, so he purchased some pre-seed and hey presto, one month later I'm pregnant again. (OH thinks it's his family supersperm, as his brother has 6 kids and he's one of 6 himself)
I have been told that it's good going to naturally conceive at my age, but I'm quite fit and an active gym goer (six times a week, and really missing it at the minute)

Had first MW appointment last week and just this morning received appointment for first scan on 8th August. That'll be when I'm 15 weeks, so going to try and see if we can get it moved forward or pay for a private scan. Both of us past ourselves worrying, but soooo excited at the same time.
Never thought the OH would be going to such extreme lengths as he is, to make sure I do zero at minute :lol:

So, sorry for droning on. Nice to read everyone's stories, points of view and help.
Will keep an update as to how we get on (all fingers crossed)

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Well i'm 40 so i reckon im the oldest lol :D i have two other chilldren, 15 and 11 years old, so there will be quite a gap for me.
This pregnancy has been totally different for me, all the nausea, giddiness, mega sore boobs and horriffic extremes of moods arrrrhhhhh!!!! I had none of these symptoms when i was in my 20's so i didnt see them coming at all, not nice :(
Apart from the yukky stuff im feeling relaxed about the pregnancy and confident that my age wont be a problem plus coupled with the fact i have brilliant family support from both sides :D xxx
I think Allie is winning the 'I'm the oldest trophy' at the moment!!!:lol:

I'm 41 in a few weeks and 8 weeks PG with No.1!!

Had a few problems the last few days put scan today shows a little bub with a fluttering heartbeat!!

Am having issues with midwifery team though.........they've written me off at my 'grand old age' :wall2:
Oooops, only saw the posts on page one so missed yours Allie, think you've pipped us all to the post lol. Guess im 3rd eldest then eh Cazza :D Either way im still pretty much classed as geriatric with the youngsters lol.
My widwife has been fantastic and hasnt made age an issue at all so fay, just mentioning that i may need consultant care instead of midwife care and also that i wouldnt be allowed to go past my due date as apparently the placenta deteriorates quickly once you get to full term the older you are !!!
Boo hoo, turning 38 today :(

Funnily enough woke up with stretching pains, extra sore boobs and some MS. But I was ok with that :) Baby wishing me HP obviously.
lol baby wishing you happy birthday!!

well you have a good one and enjoy, get spoilt and relax x x x x x
Sorry Cazza and Vivienne...I just slipped into 2nd place (was 41 in May).

I didnt plan to be an 'older mum'. The pregnancy was a shock, as I'd resigned myself to the fact it wouldnt happen naturally (I went through IVF etc in my 20's when I was married).

I divorced in 1999 and had a few long term relationships but figured I was too old to go through the whole IVF thing again and had accepted I wouldnt have kids (which I was cool with).

Of course, life is full of little surprises when you least expect them...
Oh that's lovely Bliss!!

So pleased your little suprise finally came along for you hunny xx

I never expected to feel maternal!!
Just thought I'd drop in to you ladies and let you know that my nan had her last at 48 :lol: so plenty of time to squeeze some more in for you girls lol x
Happy Birthday Ninja and a big congratulations to you Bliss x x x
Hey ladies :)
Scan today, I'm 12 weeks + 2 days. Due date 28th Jan.
Amazing seeing the little one squirming, kicking and waving his/her arms around.

Hubby was in total awe :lol::lol: he looked like soo funny.
Kinda makes it all real now.
Seems like we are due on the same day Cazza :wave:

A piccie;

Awwww fab pic Allie!!!

My scan is wednesday so will have a better idea of date then!!
I'm 30, my youngest is 12 in September and my eldest is 13. Tbh I am sick of being referred to as old lol, I would much prefer maturer! This pregnancy has been very different to my first 2, never had any symptoms with the first 2 but I have had the morning sickness, now got the Fatigue :(

Good luck with your scan today Cazza :) x x
Hi all.....newbie here.....im jane and 8 wks pregnant...i'm 44 and already have 4 beautiful girls aged 21,19,13 and 10. Was really shocked to discover i was pregnant and now over the shock i feel quite happy ...ot my booking in appointment on the 23rd sept....i guess many things have changed since i was last pregnant.
congratulations jayne :) I'm 34 and expecting my first.....and under no illusions that my little herd will be more like Family Guy and less like the Waltons xxxxxxxxx

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