Stopping Breathing *Back From Hosp.*

I'm so sorry but I'm so glad she is ok.

The medication is called Ranitidine. Tom was on it along with another one called Domperidone.

If you need any advice on the meds, just PM me.

As for your OH, you have got to be kidding that he is facing disciplinary action for leaving because his baby was in hospital??? That is outrageous. I can't imagine that is legal for a second.

Hugs to all of you. I hope you get some sleep tonight and that she is better soon.

Ahh, Ranitidine... it reduces stomach acid, my LO got domperidone too. I hope it works for you!!

glad you are home safe, poor thing!! :hug:
Just read this.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Thank God she is fine now. It must have been very scary for you. Try to get some rest. I would fight it if John gets a formal warning - that is just so wrong!!! I am sure you can prove that you were actually in hospital if his work is that anal!
Oh thank goodness you are both ok! I was really worried about you :hug:

I am sure John can't get a disciplinary - Take a look at this


Poor little Evie. Hope she is feeling better now.

How are you doing? xxxx
I'm so happy Evie is ok :D There is nothing so scary as your child stopping breathing. I have been there and its the worst :(

Who does John work for hun, the gestapo? :wink:
What company would ever take disciplinary action when a child is rushed to hospital? Seriously he needs to contact the CAB.................or the papers for that matter. The sun would have a field day! Its an outrage :evil:
Aww I'm so glad shes ok... Its awful when they are sick and you have to rush them to A&E :hug: :hug: :hug:

Misslarue said:
I'm so happy Evie is ok :D There is nothing so scary as your child stopping breathing. I have been there and its the worst :(

Who does John work for hun, the gestapo? :wink:
What company would ever take disciplinary action when a child is rushed to hospital? Seriously he needs to contact the CAB.................or the papers for that matter. The sun would have a field day! Its an outrage :evil:

I have to agree with this.. Even in Spain we get 3 or 5 days off a year to attend to sick children... Has John been having a lot of time off as it sounds quite drastic for his company to start disciplinary action for rushing to his sick daughters side :think:
He works for Ford but his boss is an idiot. I am going to see how it goes tomorrow and wll let you know.

I have told Jon though that if he hadn't of left work he might have had a job but he wouldn't have had me!

Evie is soundo upstairs but I just want to cuddle her and make sure she's ok. Lucy, I wil pm you tomorrow about the medicine- am too tired tonight to make any sense!

SO glad she's OK!!!! Now get your phone fixed woman!!!!!!!! :hug:
jesus hun...just seen this !!! so glad she is the medicine Ranatadine ? christopher has just come off that and trust me it is brilliant , gaviscon never touched him but ranatadine is very good. keep her elevated , even her cot as it stops acid coming upto the throat/mouth - lyinmg her flat is the worst thing for reflux.

so so so glad she is okay :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awww just read this :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: So glad she is ok and you are home with her :)

Give her lots of cuddles :hug: :hug: :hug:
So glad Evie is OK, have been thinking about you all evening. At least reflux can be treated to an extent and its not something more scary. Big hugs from me and Eva for you all, what a fright youve had, lil monkey grinning at everyone in A&E too lol.
big hugs to you and fluffy (i loveeeee her hair!) hehe
glad she is ok and glad you've got medication, look after yourself xxxx
So glad she is ok. My cousin has had the exact same thing with her little boy - he has been rushed in 3 times with not breathing through reflux so I know how scary and horrible it is.

Big hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi, just read this thread. my baby was prem and had reflux in hospital , he was given the same meds. he would stop breathing and they put this down to reflux and being prem. he has not had an 'episode' for 5 months now( he is now nearly 8 months) and we slowly have weaned him off the meds and has not had gaviscon for around 2 months now. its very scary , i couldnt help myself and bought a sensor pad breathing monitor from mothercare . :hug:
John managed to get off work and to the hospital just after we did- he is facing a disciplinary at work tomorrow because of it though :( I don't know what we'll do if he oses his job but I'm hoping his boss will have a bit of empathy :?

Jade, I just came upon this thread and i am so sorry that you had such a scare with poor Evie, glad she is well now...just one little detail, John should appeal disciplinary, as he has a right to accompany a member of immediate family to hospital in the event of an emergency. He may need to present a report from hospital, but that should be all. Bosses are very fond of these sorts of threats, because under Thatcher legislation this was acceptable. Now, thank goodness, under Maastricht II (I think), this comes under human rights. John should not need to depend on his boss's good will.

HOpe it sorts itself out, :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I know how scary that is. Hopefully she'll be ok now she's got the right meds. I hope you're ok after a shock like that :hug: :hug:

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