Caitlyn has been in hospital


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
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Last night we put Caitlyn in her crib like normal, at about 4am i heard her whinge slightly - thinking she was just stirring in her sleep i ignored her, my OH switched the lamp on to go and check on her, he said she'd be whinging for a little while.

He got to the crib and was going OMG! i said what, he said she was lay there eyes wide open looking petrified waving her arms and legs about and holding her breath. He picked her up and she started breathing again and screamed the house down..

We put her in bed with us, but she was restless for the rest of the night then, having a mini cry every so often

:shock: :shock:


Caitlyn has reflux, she had been sick and couldnt swallow it fast enough and so was choking on it :shock: :shock: We were kept in overnight due to caitlyns tinyness lol

She is now on infant gaviscon and isnt possetting half as much as she was.
I've heard of toddlers doing that, but not babies, I hope she's ok. It must have scared you :hug: :hug:
u think they can have bad dreams ? altho saying that leland has a cry / outburst at 6 this morning and then fast asleep again !
not sure if its the same thing hun but my cousins little boy (hes 4 weeks) kinks when he cries....just goes still and forgets to breath but flaps his arms if you know what i mean...i used to do it too...

Not sure if it is that hun but god it sounded scary :(
Oh hun how scary :hug: :hug:
My cousins son has done this since he was a little bab. He would just hold his breath. They had to resort to blowing in his face to get him to breath again.
Not sure if they have ever consulted a doctor about it, but i would if Calleigh ever started to do this.
Just got home!!!

My baby has reflux.

The doctors think she "possetted" (brought some milk up) while she was sleeping and started like choking, she couldnt breathe, we took her up to hospital and they wanted to observe her cos she so small, luckily it didnt happen again.

They did some blood tests, and left the canula in :cry: :cry: :cry: she screamed the place down it was horrid to watch, i just kept giving her her dummy and trying to keep her still whilst talking in her ear, best bit is, they did it at 11.30 at night on the ward :? all the other kiddies on there got disturbed!!

So they came to the conclusion that she has reflux :-(
hey hun,
sorry you had a scary time, glad it was nothing tooooo bad. Must have been awful for you though. love and hugs to you both xx
god that is scary.... pleased you have an a :hug: nswer and shes ok

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