Can reflux reappear?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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Arianna had bad reflux when she was a baby, which we got Gaviscon powders which worked a treat...

anyways, this last 2 nights when she has went to bed with her milk she has sicked it all up - but not just normal sick - more like her reflux sick with is being projectile.
I have propped her head up as we were adviced to do that when she was a baby.... but could it be her reflux back again?!?!?
yes it can...christopher had it as a baby only silent reflux..he was on gaviscon but came off it now it has come back - came back 4 months ago only giving him sever tummy pain, he is on something called rantadine syrup now (zantak to us ) that is helping but he still wakes up screaming at night 3 times a night and he stops after being picked up.

let me know how u get on i thought i was the only one with a year old baby with reflux.... :wall: :wall:

I'm going to try and get this from the chemist tomorrow, but I doubt they will have it as they don't even to calpol here!!

I've kept a note of it tho for when I get home in a little under a fortnight.
its only avalible on prescription we were given it by the it may be better to take her to her gp and that way u get it free :D
Hi Sarah -

Naomi had quite severe reflux which was more or less constant until she was 7 or 8 months despite the fact that she was on special feed. She wasn't a projectile vomiter, but would just let it run out of her mouth. She never complained. It started to clear up then, but every couple of months if she has a tummy upset, is on antibiotics or just plain eats too much, then some of it can come back up again.

Hope you get it cleared up, it's such a pain to have to bring puke cloths everywhere.


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