stop smoking help!


Jul 14, 2016
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Morning sickness kicked in and I quit smoking. Not tobacco or even my ecig. At first it was fine but then I was spending all my time crying over everything. I was anxious at a mum and tot group and ended up in tears again. The next day at a friends house I had a cigarette, a poor excuse but I suddenly felt too anxious to drive home after having a chance to talk about how I have been feeling. She told me to not beat myself up because being stressed is not great either.

I have tried to only use my e cig but my dad has been staying in our spare room and keeps leaving his tobacoo around and even leaving me a bit when he goes out because he knows I keep pinching them. I did ask him to keep it away from me but only lasted a day. the midwife wasn't impressed with the use of the ecig so it feels pointless to smoke that and still have all the emotions going crazy. So i just trying to limit how much I smoke.

I have been referred to stop smoking and need to get in contact with them. I feel so frustrated with myself. The smoking is making me feel sick again and I dont feel that I look after myself as much as when I had stopped. I managed 6 weeks ish without anything.

Its now 3 nearly 4 weeks since I started smoking again and I am disappointed with myself. DP works most weekends and I am stuck in the house again which is my biggest battle tbh. I also rarely get time to myself for yoga or friends or life! Often my DP is home when little one at nursery or napping and then I feel I cant take the time for myself because he is in the way and I end up sitting in the garden with tea and a fag. DP also only smokes his ecig since I got pregnant, I am proud of him but feel even worse with my massive slip up. Smoking keeps me occupied in all those inbetween moments. And gives me a chance to escape situations.

I am writing this more to write it down and get it out than for actual advice.
It goes without saying that most, if not all, of us on here are going to be completely anti-smoking when pregnant but I just wanted to say that I do understand. I have smoked in the past and it was very much linked to my emotional state - much in the same way that binge eating is. If I felt anxious or upset, I would want a cigarette. That said, I know and I think you know that there are many, many more healthy (and cheap!) options to replace smoking, you just need to see what works for you.. Burn some incense and listen to a playlist of your favourite songs, meditate, watch a programme, anything to distract your mind. You are much stronger than a poxy cigarette and if you dig your heels in enough, of course you can quit.. it won't only be beneficial now but later on too - i'm sure you won't want to be smoking around a newborn baby either. Take all the help you can get from the quit smoking services, don't delay contacting them. For the record I haven't smoked one cigarette in either of my pregnancies, i'm not saying that to make you feel inferior, just to let you know that if I can do it you most certainly can. I am a little ball of stress and nerves, it wasn't easy, but it's mind over matter and you need to prioritise your baby xx
The stop smoking people were a massive help to me, I seen them after I already stopped but it did help staying on track. It takes 48 hours for nicotine to leave the body so I would really suggest riding it out without nicotine replacement as that seems to be more likely to get you back on to the cigarettes!
It does take a hell of a lot of talking yourself into that smoking is vile and disgusting and that it's just down right embarrassing to smoke whilst pregnant and/or being around little one.
I wouldn't say the entire forum is anti smoking, I think anyone who did will be too embarrassed to admit they have done it. It may help installing an app to see how much you've saved and how much it will improve your health and as much as you feel guilty do be honest with your midwife about!

I've never smoked before, I'm allergic to it, but I've heard people say how hard it is to stop. But you have to stop, for you and your baby, and now is as good a time as any to stop smoking for good once and for all.
I quit smoking years ago using Easy Way by Alan Carr. It was really easy, didn't need any nicotine replacement etc. I just smoked my last cigarette and then that was that, just didn't have any more.

I really strongly disagree with smoking in pregnancy, infact i find it abhorrent. Smoking could kill your baby. It can cause miscarriage, still birth and low birth weight among other things. Having lost three babies despite my best efforts to be healthy, I simply cannot understand why someone would knowing put their babies life at risk.

It doesn't take long for nicotine to leave the body and for the bodies addiction to wear off. After that, it's all in your head. You say you don't have any time for yourself and yet you find the time to sit in the garden with a cup of tea and a cigarette. The fact that it gives you something to fill the time or to help you escape situations is all an excuse hun. You don't need to smoke to feel better, in fact it's making you feel worse because you're stressed and guilty because you know you are putting your baby at risk.

Why not learn to knit or crochet and each time you would normally smoke, do that instead and make something for your baby?

If you've got the number for the smoking cessation team, then give them a call first thing this morning and get the support you need in place.

You can stop smoking hun. You can do it!! Do it for yourself, for your little one and for your unborn baby. Good luck hun! Have faith in yourself, you can do this!!

I wouldn't say the entire forum is anti smoking, I think anyone who did will be too embarrassed to admit they have done it. It may help installing an app to see how much you've saved and how much it will improve your health and as much as you feel guilty do be honest with your midwife about!

No sorry JD, I didn't mean to make her feel isolated by saying that, i'm sure many ladies on here struggle with the same issue.. I meant that on a moral level, I think you'd be hard pushed to find anybody who condoned smoking when pregnant - it makes a lot of people very angry. I suppose I was just trying to declare my anti-smoking stance before going on to empathise as I didn't want anybody to think I agreed with it xx
I've never smoked so I can't relate personally but I would hope that doctors/midwives would support you and direct you towards groups to help you stop smoking as we now know how harmful it can be. It sounds like you do want to quit & that is the first step. Sending you positive vibes of support.
I have smoked but then when i found out i was pregnant i stopped. Firstly its very brave of you to ask and admit you need help when pregnant. Most people would not admit it as generally no one agrees with smoking whilst pregnant.
I do hope however you do find the strength to stop. As others have mentioned it can lead to horrific circumstances. Just think every time you light one it could kill your baby. X
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Its really brave of you to admit you are struggling to stop smoking whilst pregnant. When im not pregnant, I love the odd ciggy. I find it helps me cope with a stressful job etc. This is my third baby, and this time, I gave up straight away, no problems. Im 19 weeks preg now, and havent touched a cig. With my second baby, I stopped smoking but i really struggled. I did crumble once or twice and had one, and I hold my hands up. We all know its best for baby to stop smoking, but for some, its easier said than done xx
As a former proper smoker I can totally understand your predicament. Try not to be too hard on yourself for slipping back for a couple of weeks. You can do this xxx
I'm not in my second trimester as of yet, however I can understand, I smoked quite heavily before I got pregnant. But the day I got a positive I totally stopped. I felt awful for smoking before then as I know it isn't good for either me or baby. However I do still get the feeling for one now and again, I always have mints or chewing gum with me, it takes the edge of for me. Also I have a straw that gets rid of the hand to mouth craving. Good luck hun, your not the first for this to happen to and certainly won't be the last ☺ x
Hey Greenmama! I know how hard it is to stop smoking; I used to smoke a pack and a half a day 3 years ago. I quit thanks to Alan Carr Easy Way to Stop Smoking. It's an easy read and you can continue to smoke while reading. I was sceptical at first but if you really want to stop, it WILL work. Try it, you don't need nicotine replacements or will power because you will come to your own conclusion. Good luck!!

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