Still Nothing


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2007
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No Contact from my Midwife since i was 10 weeks pregnant and I havent had any blood tests done.

Was also looking through my notes the other day and seen that the silly woman put no family history of cystic fibrosis yet my wee cousin and my sister both have it!

Arrrggghhhh...I feel so unhelped during my pregnancy. I dont even had a phone number for my midwife and the hospital wont give me it!
:shock: :shock:

If I were you I would take a trip to your midwife / doctors surgery and book yourself an appointment for ASAP.
OMG! Thats really horrible of the hospital. You should have had some contact from the MW by now. Do you have a date for your 20 week scan?

Or can you contact your midwife via your doctors surgery? Thats how I get hold of mine
I tried to make a doctors appointment but my doctor has changed phone number and I can't get through from my work or house phone because it is an 0844 number! I'm starting to get really worried - plus I was hoping they could look at my back as its so sore that sometimes I can barely walk :(
xx.kelly said:
I tried to make a doctors appointment but my doctor has changed phone number and I can't get through from my work or house phone because it is an 0844 number! I'm starting to get really worried - plus I was hoping they could look at my back as its so sore that sometimes I can barely walk :(

ring the NHS direct number or search the web for your doctors surgery and get the number that way
That is disgusting, I seen my midwife at 9 weeks and am seeing her again at 16 weeks. I also have two numbers on which I can call her, you really need to speak to your surgery.
didn't u get a maternity records book that has all your info in.... on mine in the front cover.. there is a number for my midwife group and maternity ward... also on the forms filled out with all my info.. she listed my midwifes name... midwifes number... doctors name and doctors number.... what did the midwife say to u when u saw her at 10 weeks... mine just wrote down which weeks i need to book an appt for with the midwife.... i have to call and book my own appts....
she was running late so didn't have time to fill out the yellow book for notes and now I have just phoned my doctors and they have unregistered me because I don't have a passport or drivers licence.

This just gets worse so now no midwife that I can get in contact with and I dont even have a doctor! :(
do u have a national insurance card?? surely they can't just unregister u
how long havve u been going to that doctors??? when i joined my surgery.. i didn't have to show any id... just had to provide my NH number...
Unfortunately I live in London so being a British Citizen counts for nothing in this part of England. Just in case I am an immegrant (sp) - thats exactly what she told me!

I only register when I found out I was pregnant
I'd call your local MP and tell them whats happened to u....
so u didn't get a maternity record book to keep.. did the midwife u saw at 10 weeks take that with her?
No...she didnt have time to fill it in but said she would do it at my 16weeks appointment - but she never turned up for that :(

I haven't heard or seen the baby since 11w 4d and I am really nervous :(
can't u book a private scan if u'r really worrie.d. until u get things sorted.. or just pop down to your local hosptial and go to the antenatal clinic and speak to them at the front desk..
they shouldn't "unregister" you just cos you haven't been ill. Before i got pregnant I hadn't seen my doctors for about 4 years and I was still registered. It's only NHS dentists that take you off the books if you haven't had your 6 monthly checks
pilkers said:
they shouldn't "unregister" you just cos you haven't been ill. Before i got pregnant I hadn't seen my doctors for about 4 years and I was still registered. It's only NHS dentists that take you off the books if you haven't had your 6 monthly checks

But they do do it in London though... Kelly's right...My ex was taken off his docs register because he hadn't been ill in 2 years... that was London too.. Getting doctors in the city is really hard....and when you get one, you have to hold on for your dear life.

Kelly, :hug: :hug: :hug: Firstly, and secondly go to your doctor today, and make an official complaint... as this could jepodise the life of your baby. thirdly re register at the doctors and demand an emergency appointment with either the midwife or the gp.. If they refuse, go to your local hospital as an emergency and wait until you are seen, explain the situation and take all your necessary documentation with you...

Your treatment has been absolutely disgusting.. They shouldn't get away with that.. What ever you do make sure you carry out a formal complaint.
Finally spoke to someone at the ante-natal clinic and she was really angry that they had unregistered me and said that I should get in touch with a solicitor because it is unethical what they have done.

I am so angry :( and now it's got me really upset :(
i think complaining to your MP would do some good.... did the antenatal clinic offer u an appt ???
I saw my MW at 8 weeks. Next time I will see her (or some MW) will be 18 weeks. I think we are left too long. Although I had my 12 week scan (at 11+2) and had my bloods last week, I booked a private scan in the meantime.
like squiglet said.. i'd make a formal complaint at your doctors also... not only for what they have done.. but the stress it will be causing u.. u should not have to put up with this.....

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