babies bowels showed up light on scan....


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2011
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Hi ladies, been quiet last coupe Weeks as moving house and decorating!! Was wondering if active can share some info/ experience or shed some light... Had 20 week scan at 20w 4d on Friday and they have asked me to come back for another scan on Thursday this Week to double check babies bowels... They were during up light on scan... I know this could mean baby had swallowed blood or is cystic fibrosis.... Just wondering if anyone else had experienced this?

Also going back in 12 Weeks for another scan as have a very low laying placenta.... :-( any advice would be help xx
Sorry hun, I dont have any experience of this so no advice but just wanted to say I hope everything is ok at your next scan:hugs:
I'm sorry that the sonographer didn't explain it better to you hun.

I have no experience myself - sorry!!

Please don't use Google though, just wait for your next scan and see what they say then?

I am sure it will all be OK.

I have a scan at 34 weeks - but everyone gets a 32-24 week scan at my hospital :roll:

Sorry to hear this.

I don't have any experience of the bowel thing, but I too have a low placenta and am going back at 34 weeks to check it's moved. The MW and sonographer didn't seem worried though - they said that usually a placenta will grow higher long before it becomes a problem. I stupidly came home and Googled it and frightened myself silly, so can reiterate NOT doing that!

Hope you get some reassurance soon re: the bowels. The things these babbas put us through!
Why dont you give the midwife a call and tell her what you have been told and ask her to explain it a bit more as its worrying you. I agree with not googeling as u will just worry ur self alot more.
Thanks so much ladies!! I havent called the midwife at my local GP yet as i'll just waitt o see what they say again tomorrow. We having a scan with a doctor at the hospital tomorrow so will let you know how it goes. I did stupidly google it and have eneded up worry myself but at the same time im feeling prepared to a degree that im not going in completely blind tomorrow and whatever the outcome I wont be completely shocked.
Im just hoping my wee boy is ok, staying optimistic though, I need to stay positive.
Thanks again everyone! xxx
Good luck at your scan tomorrow , I do hope it's found to be normal again . All the best xx
UPDATE: Well we went for our scan yesterday. We were taken to fetal medicine where a doctor scanned me, and then a consultant scanned me. Then my husband and i were asked to take a seat in a counselling room. The doctor, consultant and midwife sat with us and explained that it means our baby could have cystic fibrosis or a virus or infection or best case scenario it has just swallowed blood.
They took bloods from me to check for viruses and infections and also to test if i have the faulty CF gene. They also took bloods from my husband to test his blood for the faulty CF gene. If we are both carriers there's a 1 in 4 chance they baby will have CF, a 1 in 4 chance it may not, and a 2 in 4 chance it will just go on to carry the gene but not have CF. They did however say the chances of us both being carriers is a small chance.
However as the bowels are showing up light and if we are both carriers theres every chance it could be Cystic Fibrosis. They will then offer us an amniocentesis, which we've decided if we get to that stage we will not do, as it has too many risks invovled. Either way we will love this baby and do everything we can to ensure it lives a fulfilled happy life and healthy lifestyle.
I really do pray and hope that our baby will be ok and he's just swallowed blood due to my low laying placenta.

Does anybody know if its its possible for the placenta to have a bleed but I don't see it?? (the blood goes up the way into the amniotic fluid and doesn't come out me.)
Sorry to hear that it wasn't better news. BUT please do not think this is bad news as such?

Until you get the full results please try to remain positive and hopefully it will be your best case scenario.

I am sorry there is nothing more I can say to confort you at the moment, but I'll be keeping everything crossed for good news

I've just seen this. Sorry to hear that you're going through such a worrying time but until you get the results stay positive it could all just be a virus like you said fx for you xx
Hope all will be okay... :) sure it will be and whatever the outcome ur bub will be gorgeous xxx
Hope everything's ok for u hun, I don't really know anything about this subject but just hope everything's ok xxxxx
Sorry to hear this, but keep positive - it might still all be ok :)
Hi ladies, finally could get back on here... got the results for the cystic fibrosis blood results on friday - me and hubby are not carriers of the faulty gene so baby cant have cystic fibrosis. I tell you, this is such a huge relief!!! I am so so so relieved, I would have loved and cred for my baby either way but it would have been a horrible thing for my little man to live with!
Now we are just waiting to hear back on my virus checks, they said if i dont hear anything its good news, if they find something they will phone me to come in. I have another scan booked for the 2 Aug to check babies bowels again, i dont know what wil be the next step if its still like that and viruses are clear, but if they offer me an amnio i will turn it down.
I have been reading up online and there are so many things it could be like baby swallowing blood or viruses... i guess we will just have to wait and see what is causing hes echogenic bowel.
Thanks for all the thoughts ans support xxxx
WOW - Only just seeing this. That's a fantastic update. I'm sure you were soo worried. You should be so proud of yourselves how you handled the situation and potential news. This baby is very lucky to have you as parents.

Wonderful update sweetie, it must have been the most horrible time whilst you waited for those results.

As Jules says you have been so dignified and brave - you're going to be an amazing Mummy!

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