still feel periody!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Does this stop??? I am 6 weeks plus 3 and everyday still have period pains! Its horrid, everytime I go to the toilet I have to check!!!! Xxx
I've not had period pains as such but have had cyst pain which was always worse before af and so has made me panic a bit too. It might just be stretching pains rather than period pains xxxxxxxxx
I still check everytime I go to the loo! Never had any bleeding but can't help but obsess over it everytime!!

It's normal Hun xx
I think I'm just feeling things more with this being number two, I'm weird I never got tummy period pain but pain in my right upper thigh and that where I'm still really avhing xxxx
Try a warm bath and massaging your thigh hun xxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you, just got outta the bath and when DH gets home from wrk ill get him to give me a rub!!!! I expecty he will be very happy as he aint been near me since my bfp!!!! Haha! Poor bugger!!!! Xx
I have felt crampy constantly (nearly every day) during this pregnancy, doc says it's everything moving, stretching and loosening up.
Thank you, just got outta the bath and when DH gets home from wrk ill get him to give me a rub!!!! I expecty he will be very happy as he aint been near me since my bfp!!!! Haha! Poor bugger!!!! Xx

Haha, I found talking about baby number 2 already has put him off rofl xxxxxxxxxx
Ive been the same and today ive got a really bad back on the one side. But i have had some spotting which is driving me crazy because i just keep waiting for me to find lots of blood when i go to the toilet but so far its only when wiping. Ive had a scan tho o know its int he right place im just wondering if its going wrong so im bit down atm. The pain in my hip/back could be the start of SPD though as i had that last time.
Aaawww piglets hope you feel better soon xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I feel exactly the same - I also keep going off to the toilet and checking xx
Oh piglets, I hope u r ok! U must be so worried but awesome to know baba is in the right place!!!!! Yaya!!!!!! much love to you. Babybrain...... Nothing and I mean nothing would put my DH off!!!!! Xxx steffy, its such a stressful time. With my "+ I didn't worry at all but I suppose I was young and unaware of all of the dangers and problems!! Xx
I have felt crampy constantly (nearly every day) during this pregnancy, doc says it's everything moving, stretching and loosening up.

How far are yopu babe??? Xx

I'm 13 weeks tomorrow, had my scan last Tues and saw a healthy little baby and heartbeat so I'm a bit more chilled out about it than I was a week ago xx
Oh I can't wait for the first scan, the heartbeat and then the little bit of chill out that must follow xxxxx
Hey gorgeous! Just came over for a peep to see how you were doing. Sorry your feeling crampy but glad everything is going well so far! Lots of love xx
I get that some days where i feel like i am going to come on, but apparently others i have known had that too, it is probably to do with the womb getting bigger and changing shape
OMG so glad I found these posts... I am 4 weeks and 3 days and feel exactly the same - crampy feelings, similar to period but slightly duller. I also panic everytime I go to the loo! I'm assuming it's normal!

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