Still crap from mil and family I don't know how much more I can take!!

Phill has just said the same to me !!! Told him he is lucky I have tapatalk or he would never get the laptop to play his games !!!! Xx

My god she has a twin?!?!?

YES!!!! Awful isn't it lol!!! And she's just as mouthy!! That's that one who ranted at me publicly on fb!!

Ur right starfish IM her mum! I'm not preventing her being a nan, a nan doesn't have to take the baby! She's used to getting her own way this way and it ain't gonna work with me!!!
I don't care if it seems like I'm not willing to compromise coz I don't have to!!

Also Scott told me today what she really meant by asking if he was free so she could see lily... She wanted him to drop her off on his way to work (10am) and pick her up on way back!!! He's JUST finished work now! Cheeky!!! I certainly wouldn't throw lily in the deep end with her! Half hour max the first time at least!! Not for a good few months yet!!! Maybe longer after all this!!
My mum never palmed us off to my nan so I've not been brought up like it!!
I would like to add that there is no way on earth i would leave my baby with my MIL over night. Maybe when he's about 2 or 3 years old, not before!

I leave him with my mum for up to an hour, usually just in another room whilst i do some chores and get some space. If she wanted to take him out for a walk for an hour I would be ok with that, but only because he knows her now and she plays with him all the time. My MIL only visits occasionally and i wouldnt feel comfortable that she knows how to calm him without me there.
Exactly.. She doesn't know her yet!! She's just another face to her!
Soon as she starts crying she's handed back to me! Plus the last two times we saw her lily cried when she said hello to her! Have that!!!! Lol!!
Ha ha love that lily cried at her !!!! Loved the fact that Rhea only smiled at my mil last week she has been smiling and chatting to everyone else for weeks !!! Our girls r doing us proud !! Lol xx

Yup double mil bitch!!! She's exactly like her!!!! Usually twins are chalk n cheese but these two are both nuts!!!
Yay go rhea!!! :cheer: they must know that we don't like them lol!! Well, I used to like her n thought she liked me! Lily must've Sussed it out before me!!
Got on with my mil till she attacked phill for no reason !! And say that the kids r her world but knows nothing bout them !!! All she does is moan bout the noise they make !! There kids !! Think babies must have a sixth sense !! X

They all do my head in! They have no clue and no respect!! Selfish twats!
Why did she attack him? (sorry if I'm being too nosey) I wish Scott would just fuck them all off and I won't have to deal with this crap again!!!
Glad your fil sees sense, hopefully things will calm down this week, sounds like you really don't need the extra hassle just now. Makes you wonder what she would do if she was looking after her and she cried if she always passes her back and the garden incident you mentioned, that would certainly worry me enough not to leave her!
Your not being nosy Hun. Mil has been ill with depression and anxiety the whole time me and phill have been together (12yrs!!) and relied on phill very heavily so consequently me aswell. She has been stable for yrs but has had couple I'd admissions to hospital and used to find it hard to b in her own home so once me and phill moved in together she was at ours most nights !! Phill used to drop everything if she needed him and we were made to feel guilty for going on hols etc too !! Anyway 2 yrs ago while on hols with mil fil sil and the kids ( had started doing this once we had Ethan ) she was just grumpy from the start snapping etc. me and phill had arranged to met up with a couple we had met on holiday the yr before ( 1 we went on our own ) she got a right hump ! She wants us to do everything together ! But she is never ready before 1pm ! Can't keep kids waiting that long. Anyway that night phill must have said something like what's up with u misary ? And she started shouting at him and stormed out the club !! Said she was sick of being got at. Bit later we went back to our caravan with sil and bil and phill said he would go have it out with her she was being selfish and needed telling. He came back after an hr and she had just verbally attacked him saying he was selfish cold hearted and didn't care bout anyone since he had been in the police which so happens was at the same point at Ethan was born so basically she doesnt like it that phill has different priorities as in putting his kids before her. She spent next day which was Kian's 1st birthday in tears claiming a relapse in the depression to get sympathy. Phill definatly doesn't have as much patience with her now but she still tries it on and think she knows I'll never forgive her so my relationship isn't great with her. Sorry for long post there is a load more too !! Top it off I've been talked into going away with them again this year ! Will just stick with sil !! Xx

God that must have been awful! Bloody mils!! It seems his mum is jealous too and doesn't wanna let go of her son.. We should be his main priority now and selfish as that sounds we are his family now.. Of course they still are his family but we should come first and his dad agrees! Good luck with ur next holiday lol!!!!
im soo glad i dont have mil in a way. my oh mum passed away last year never got a chance to meet her which i do hate too. but his sis is an in law from hell. only met her once but she makes my oh and his bros life hell. my oh even washed his hands of her and is the only one to say anything. shes also a big trouble maker even that one time i did meet her called me his exs name after he introduced us. dont get why in laws cant just be happy for thier relatives. my mums a mil from hell constantly on my oh case and funny with my sis bf cos hes got a bad stutter. deives me mad xxx
Think my oh is lucky my gives him no trouble !! Do get on with my sis and bro in law though cxx

Why is she funny with his coz he has a stutter that's harsh!! :(
I don't know why inlaws are so bad! It's like we are intruders!! I don't think I'll ever feel part of their family! His brothers gf is coz she's lived with them for 5years.. I hope I'm not a mil from hell!!
My mum isn't that bad really if OHs do wrong she will tell them but that's her job as a mother to protect her children!

I've got his cousin (twins daughter) coming over today.. Wonder how that will go!!
They are so close she calls his dad daddy steve..

I so badly wanted to get on with his family and I've tried everything :(
my mum unfprtunately is quite prejudiced even though she doesnt like to admit it. she was even funny with myoh cos hes mixed and has black in him and im asian. she kept saying when i was preg i hope leandro has our sides looks. with my sis bf his stutter is really bad. he can take upto 2 mins to say a sentence. my mums constantly worried what people will say esp her family who most are in india. ive had a fair few bad comments and msgs on fb when they found out i was preg. yeah i know or like they wont be happy unless they choose their relatives partner. its horrible. same here. i mean i would want leo to pick the best girl becuase thats what he deserves but i will be happy woth whoever makes him happy, and i will always respect anyone whos given me grandchildren.

wow hope it goes well today. and its not your fault. if they want to be pathetic let them. thier probably just jealous of what an amazing job your doing without thier help. btw i sent you a request on fb. my profule pic is of leo hehe xxx
Ty Hun
God that sounds awful :( our mums and family should be happy with the person how makes is happy no matter what race they are :( yeah I remember u got a bit of crap on fb didn't u? :(
Yeah I know. With my Mum she'd only be happy if she pickd the guy. now i think she regrets it she absolutely dotes on leo. yeah i had my uncle messaging saying how what ive done is wrong and me oh need to get married for the sake of him etc. then i had some other people saying to my mum i was putting personal things. which i wasnt or not what i think was personal anyway. the only time i did have personal things was when my oh had my phone whilst i was in labour and posting how many cms i was and details of my labour. i found it funny though i was getting people saying how could i be posting whilst in labour. he was even messaging my friends which ididnt realise until i was deleting messages the other day lol xxx
Aww lol!!
Well things went well with his cousin.. Although I confided in her we are having financial probs and she went and told his dad an then his dad called him about it saying I told him when he saw me yesterday but not to tell me he told him :roll: as if. God I hate all this. Id never tell his dad!
you serious? now his dad? whats wrong with that family. xx

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