How dare she comment and poke fun at my daughters weight !!


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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My mil and fil just been round unexpectedly do drop my birthday cards off. Mil took Rhea off my oh and did nothing but keep saying about her weight. Could cope when she was just say " she's a weight isnt she" but then it got to " if she carried on like this her legs wont hold her up !!!" then she asked fil if he was strong enough to hold her !!! All this from a woman who is clinically obese ! Stuffs herself full of processed crap sweet and Choc and is diabetic !!!
I am soo f**king mad with her how dare she !!! And she said she takes after her mum !!! Now I know I'm not slim but unlike her I'm doing something bout my weight !! Made a point that she is tracking just above the 50th centile so is normal !!!
That bloody woman I'm so mad !!!

Sorry for the rant girls needed to get that off my chest xxx

I would've smacked her round the head with a bunch if celery and told her to look in the mirror! How rude!!

Some people just never think before they speak, people in glass houses etc...... She prob didn't mean to upset you chick....but some people def need to engage the brain before opening their mouth. I wouldn't pay any attention what so ever xxxxx
Wtf?? Ur slim as hell!! So bloody rude!! Don't let her make u feel bad you've had a great confidence boost recently she's just jealous u look so great just after a baby!!
No way is rhea too big she's gorgeous! All babies are chubby, both my girls looked so chubby as babies but skinny things now! God I'd have gone mental at her well done for keeping ur cool!!
I'm sure she does it to get back at me for taking her baby boy away !!! She is always making little digs bout things. I was trying to give her advice on her diabetes a while back and she turned round and said I'll speak to the professionals !!! Wtf am I !!! I look after people with diabetes on a daily basis !! I may not a a diabetic nurse but I am a nurse !!! I was a good enough nurse for her when she refused to b taught how to give herself blood thinning injections after her knee op !! I had to go round everyday for nearly 2 weeks even in the snow !!! She just doesn't like the fact that Phill puts his kids and me before her now ,think she would love it of I exploded at her would see it as a way of trying to get phill back !!! Xxx

Don't bite hun it sounds like she just wants to score points making u the bad one!
Mils just can't let go of their sons!!
Thanks Hun u would think she would b used to me know been together 12 yrs !!! Think it's worse at the min cos I'm on mat leave wont have to c her as much once I'm back at work !! Xxx

Why are MILs so awful?!?! Dont let her bother you as then shes winning xx
Thanks hunnie I never say anything to oh so she doesn't know she gets to me !! And I know oh gets pissed off with her at times so know that she hasn't won and her games don't work anymore !! Xxx

How rude! Sounds like she's jealous of your weight loss!!
Wow what a horrid MIL! what things to say-pot and kettle come to mind!! U just stay calm and don't give in. In fact just say lots o lovely things about how phil is lovely to you and what a gr8 dad he is an how much he loves u and them etc to wind her up if she's getting petty over the pecking order being changed now her boy is now a man!!
Thanks ladies am going to up my game with my comments around her !! And she is now on fb !! Can't get away from the bloody woman !!! Xxx

Go over the top with how amazing he is to u and the kids that's what I've been doing hehe!
I would have said! "Well hopefully she does take after me, I'd rather she was like me than obese like her fathers side, hahaha " make it like a joke rofl! xx
as for fb, perfect opportunity to get 'digs' in! lol

FB status : just been routinely with midwife and lo is on the right track! Perfect height and weight for her age! Must take after her mummy lol ;) x
Thanks girls am going to go over the top !! My mum has said that if mil mentions about how big she is say she must take after her nannie then !! Hehe
I get the bitch !! Xxx


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