Still crap from mil and family I don't know how much more I can take!!

Why dont you just ignore them? Maybe their trying to get a reaction out of you to make you look bad in front of oh. Some people need to get lives xxx
An overwhelming family like that can't be ignored they won't let u lol! His cousin asked of I was free next week and I said I've nothing planned yet, then his mum text me 10mins after asking to take lily for a walk next week... Why ask today, ten mins after his cousin text me, asking about next week.. Also knowing I had solicitors today :mad: so not in the best bloody mood for this crap!! I've not text her back and that was at 1.. Gonna get Scott to tell her to stop with the asking for lily on her own coz it's pissing me off and I'm REALLY not in the mood for it! Not these next couple of weeks!! She knows what I'm Going thru but still bugging me!! Heartless and selfish!!
Oh god, they really won't let up will they. It does look quite obvious that she got his cousin to text and see if you had any plans, so she knows you can't use that as an excuse :roll: just don't text her back, hopefully she'll get the message! xx
Tell her that you are goingyoma baby group she can come if she wants but to forget taking the LO on her own until she is at least 1 or sth lol
That's the thing I said to his cousin I was free.. Cheeky fuckers bet Scott don't see it that way and I'm just 'reading into things' or 'being stupid' again :(
omg why dont she just get the message and Scott should stick up for you
you not long had a baby. men are so blind sometimes. xx
Thanks babe, more shit from her today I've put it in my 'what would you do' thread
So pissed off!

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