staying together for the sake of LO?


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2011
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does it work or am i just postponing the break up?

I cant get my head around everything thats happening at the minute and i really cant stand the thought of my OH anywhere near me. We are supposed to be moving into a flat in a few weeks and every time i think about being alone with him i end up in tears. He is very clingy and needy and I am the total opposite I cant deal with him asking where i'm going, what i'm doing, when will i be home etc etc I'm just not ready for it all.

I dont think I love him or know whether I ever did - am i just being overly hormonal?

Pregnancy can do funny things, did you feel like this before the pregnancy? How long have you felt this way? It's a lot of stuff happening - moving in together and pregnant are you sure its not just cold feet/nerves over what's happening?
we were never serious to start with and tried to get serious for the sake of the baby, then we ended up spliting up for a while but have got back together and ever since I just feel like I have no feelings towards him at all :( i feel so horrible for even writing it! x
:hug: Not sure what to say really, is it worth doing a trial split/time apart to see how you really feel about him?

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