I certainly do not agree with staying together for the sake of the kids!!!!
I have been a child in a family where my Mum stayed put as there was no help out there at the time for single parents and she had 3 of us..............life was not great for her and she regretted not leaving my Dad years and years ago!
My Mum made her life hell by staying with my Dad and not having any trust in him, after he had an affair whilst Mum was pregnant with my younger sister! It was her that suffered for his mistakes!!!! If there had been more support for Mum at the time, she would have left then!
Then blow me, the exact same thing happened to my younger sister when she was PG, she also tried to make a go of it once the baby was born, so they got married

and she is now divorced and happily with another bloke on her 2nd baby with him!
I left my ex when I was PG with my DD as he was pushing for an abortion and I needed to make my own mind up..........I understood that he felt he was too young (8 yrs older than me and neary 30!!

) but I knew the baby was far more important to me than he ever would be.................when I decided to keep the baby, he decided he would come round to the idea and play happy families. We weren't together for long and I certainly couldn't see me settling down with him for the rest of my life.......then there was this incident where one of is mates was with him, and my sister was there and his mate said to him "don't let her trap you, you get out if you want to"! My sister went mad, and HE never defended me at all....................so he showed me I couldn't trust him in another sort of way..................I didn' know what he was saying to other people behind my back?! And why?? I made it clear I would go it alone!!!! He was as thick as shit in all fairness, and still tied to his mum's apron strings!
There was NO WAY I would stay with him for the sake of MY baby!!! What a life that would have been! I learnt from my Mum, if you aint happy,
get out, don't waste your life!!
I chose my DD over him and I am glad to say I have never heard form him since, even tho we were kind enough to let him & his Mum know when DD was born, so I did leave it up to them as to whether they wanted to play a role in DD's Life!!
Sorry I know that last bit went a bit off topic, but I do not agree you stay together for the sake of the kids, I think you owe it to your kids to be happy whether that means you live together or apart as parents - if you aint happy as parents, your kids will know, and it is not a good way to live or teach them about relationships!
Good Luck with yours JMC!