Starting to wonder if I'm doing the right thing!

He just loves sticking his fingers in everything haha xx
Awwww. Gorgeous pics, Lolly. He's such a cutie. I love messy photos.

We do pure BLW and I've never even fed Tilly any pureed food. Closest is yoghurt that she fed herself on a spoon. I wouldn't worry too much if LO isn't interested in picking food up yet, just carry on as you are maybe, doing a bit of both and see how it goes. There is a good FB group called 'Baby Led Weaning - let your babies feed themselves' and there are a few people whose babies didn't show an interest in it until much later than 6 months. Even now Tilly doesn't actually eat a lot - depends on the meal, whether she's tired, whether she's in the mood for it. Your LO will get the hang of it soon, just keep offering. I thought Tilly would never pick the food up and she did it all of a sudden one day. xx

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