Starting my 2ww!! :)

Aww sounds like everyone is having a down day today! We all still have at least 5days until our AF is due girlies so their is still hope for all of us :-) it's a pain being in this 2ww but at least whatever happens by the end of this week we will all know either way!

With regards to IC tests girls, they are supposed to be 10miu (although quite unreliable sometimes) this means the amount of hcg in your system should be 10 units. A non pregnant woman will have a level of 5hcg in her system, and once pregnant doubles every 24hours, so 'technically' you should be able to test the day after implantation and it should be accurate, but sometimes the 10miu tests are actually 25miu, so don't worry if you're getting BFP - there is still hope!!!

I am crossing my fingers for all of us, had no symptoms for two days and was starting to feel low too, but am now 9dpo and getting metallic taste in mouth and starting to feel a bit sick - so am still holding out hope for me, and all of us!!

I lost all symptoms today bar a few twinges so glad you posted this wannabemummy... To keep us positive... X
There has been loads happening in this thread over the last couple of days! I'm keeping fingers crossed for us all!

Not been on here for a couple of days and have missed you all! I have been away for the weekend with my hubby and managed to forget about it all until....we went shopping and he picked up some beautiful knitted cashmere baby mittens and booties saying 'look at how little these are!' - i nearly cried! He saw my face drop and told me not to get hopes up cos its only our first month of trying and it won't happen that quickly and if it didn't happen this month then we would just keep trying until it did. He is such a sweetie but a bit clueless when it comes to women's cycles...he doesn't understand the agony we go through analysing every little twinge and counting our days to OV then til we can POAS and how it all works. I told him we should know by about tuesday or wednesday, think he was suprised we would know one way or another so soon!

I have resisted the urge to POAS and today i am 12DPO. I really don't know if i should do a test or not or whether i should wait until AF is due and if no show then test?! I know what a few of you will say....'DO IT!' but I just don't know if I would be setting myself up for a fall.

I feel like i have had symptoms that are more pregnancy related than AF related but it could all be in my head and don't want to be disappointed!


12 Dpo is a really good time for testing, as usually the egg will have implanted by this stage and be giving off the hcg hormone.

The average to get a BFP is 12dpo if u look at some of the older threads.

It's entirely upto u hunny, but i think i would do a test now as theres a good strong chance of it being correct ( although i have tested everyday since 3dpo lol)

Fx for u hun, keep us posted, we need some positivity!!!


You could always POAS now and see what the result is, if it's a bfn, then don't worry you're not out until AF comes.
Well done for holding out...wish I could have! If I were you I'd wait til tomorrow and use FMU as then you're one day further along and will have more HCG to detect and more concentrated urine. Good luck! xx

I'm 8dpo today. Tested with fmu on an ic....... nothing! i have been getting really v faint lines for 4 days now, but this morning, nothing. Hmmmmm.

Asides from having a nasty headache and still very sore boobs, i have nothing else to report. No cramping today either.

So....... i think i'm gonna try and chill now and not test till thurs, 12dpo.

Fx for all u other girlies waiting to test!


I'm either 5 or 6 dpo and other than sore nipples (when touched only) and a slight cramp I have no symptoms. The soreness has even gone down from yesterday, which is strange for me as usually after ov I get very very sore boobs right up until af then it goes straight away. I have no idea with my cervix whats going on as it changes throughout the day but most of the time since ov its low. How I hate the waiting game.
Right, thanks for all your advice girls I have decided what I'm going to do....I'm off to the chemists for a couple of the non cheapie tests...i'll be back in about 1 hour to let you know how its gone!

Not going to get my hopes up though.

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Thats very interesting.

It makes me feel a bit daft now for testing so early!
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Hello all
And hello Sazzle... Good luck with your POAS!!
I've just been signed off work for 10 days with my 3rd bout of tonsilitis in 6 weeks. Aching all over & feeling awful so couldn't tell a pregnancy symptom from a tonsilitis symptom if I tried!!
Good luck to you all ladies xxx
Oooh Poor you!!

I've never had it but it sounds very uncomfortable :(

Hope you feel better soon, and with a nice BFP in tow :)


Yep, same.

It'll be my 4 yr wedding anniversary on wed, it'd be so nice if i caould surprise him with a huge BFP!!!



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