Starting my 2ww!! :)

It does indeed, i'm only 6dpo and have been getting carried away poas with internet cheapies lol!!

Have u any symptoms at all yet?

Hello all & hello Sam!
Wow loads testing going on. I got a BFN this morning but have been cramping strongly all day & not due AF until next weekend. Other than that, most other symptoms gone & enjoyed a glass of vino tonight too, so who knows...
Just had a strong feeling this was the month...
Coolbeans - test tomorrow!! Do it!!! Were such bad influences!!
Good luck to all!!!!!! Xxxxxxx
Had the tiniest little streak of something pink this evening in my CM! Oh how undignified!!!
It was tiny though, like pin pricks of pink, but stood out.
With cramping all day & now... 7dpo, wondering if it could be implantation related!?!
Or am I reading too much into it....?
Good morning girls, well I am 9dpo and I tested this morning - no surprise that it was BFN! Not even a hint of a line!! I'm going to be good now and try and forget about it until Wednesday.

Still really crampy but I fear that it's AF it certainly feels like it today and I'm worried I've been getting my hopes up far too much. AF due 23rd she does sometimes cone a day early but never late so we will see.

7or 8 dpo today depending on which ticker i go by.

Boobs feel alot firmer than normal and nipples still sore. Quite crampy also.

Another v faint line on ic..............


I love the fact that everyone keeps telling others to 'do one' - thats not very nice :rotfl:

Good luck ladies :dust:
Ha ha!!!

Yes it could be rather offensive lol! ;)

Kred, fx for you.

Feel a bit down today, I knew I'd get BFN being only 9 DPO but i hardly slept last night thinking about if I was pg! I had a horrible dream as well where I went for a scan and I had hardly any eggs and my chances of conceiving were 10%.

I know I'm heading for a big fall this month if I'm don't get BFP and I'm angry at myself for getting hopes up.

Had the tiniest little streak of something pink this evening in my CM! Oh how undignified!!!
It was tiny though, like pin pricks of pink, but stood out.
With cramping all day & now... 7dpo, wondering if it could be implantation related!?!
Or am I reading too much into it....?

It sounds about right for implantation hun, 6-10 after conception.

Hmmmm.... A big FX for u hun!!!

Awww Coolbeans,

It was only a dream hun. Take each day as it comes, no point worrying too much as ur still only 9dpo.... and ur not out till the witch gets u!

FX for BFP!!!

Sorry for my downer post girls! Bless DH he could see I didn't seem too up beat this morning so he is taking me out for a nice carvery to cheer me up!

Anyone had CM as a symptom? I never get it before AF but today quite a bit, not EWCM but clear and watery (sorry TMI!)

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I have a little more than usual, but nothing to say it's a symptom really.

I do however have the most horrific AF cramps! Af not due till a week today, but i'm doubled over.

I have a feeling i'm gonna be out this month ladies.

Fx for everyone else!

I think i'm defo out.

(tmi) jus been to the loo, had a bit of a dodgy tum. When i wiped i had loads of ewcm, nut it was orangey brown!!! Accompanied with the cramps i think my Af is gonna turn up early :(

Gutted, i really had high hopes for this month :(

Fx to the rest of u lovely ladies

kred/Coolbeans, I am 8DPO today and had to pee on a IC and BFN. Didn't bother me the last couple of days but it did today though I know for sure it's too early. I am going to try and leave it a few days now (yeah right!). Just feeling a bit manky today: tired, slightly ache in my tummy but nothing else really. Though I keep telling myself that I may only just be implanting between now and Tuesday and then HCG won't even be produced until that happens. I can't recall where I found the info but apparently you double the HCG each day so if you only produce 1 unit the first day you implant, then it will be 2 on the next day, then 4 then 8, but the highest sensitivity tests only pick up 10 units (sorry don't know what MUI or whatever is so am referring to it as units). Anyway, the point I am making is that you need to make at least 10 units to show enough HCG for a test to pick up, which could be up to 5 days after implantation and if you don't implant til 10 DPO then it could be 15DPO before a test picks it up.

FX for us all xx
Yeah, i have the 10mui tests.
I'm hoping what i'm feeling is implantation but tryin not to get my hopes up too much.
Realistically i know that at 7dpo it's unlikely to get a bfp.

Fx for us all

Yeah on that thread I posted yesterday about how many DPO did you get your BFP, the general consensus seemed to be about 12DPO for the earliest reliable results.

It's silly isn't it, how we get ourselves all worked up in the 2ww.

Maybe, maybe not, maybe, maybe not.............!!!!

I know with my first i didn't even give this a second thought. just waited to see if af turned up, when i didnt i tested.

I think it's alot harder when ur trying because it plays on ur mind all day long. I wish i could jus forget about it and wait for AF, but i know full well i cant!!!

It's silly isn't it, how we get ourselves all worked up in the 2ww.

Maybe, maybe not, maybe, maybe not.............!!!!

I know with my first i didn't even give this a second thought. just waited to see if af turned up, when i didnt i tested.

I think it's alot harder when ur trying because it plays on ur mind all day long. I wish i could jus forget about it and wait for AF, but i know full well i cant!!!


I totally agree, I've had a nice day with hubby today, going to try and forget about 2ww for a few days and not stress myself out.

Will be in touch on Wed if I test. See you in a few days.

Fx to you all. Xx
Kees... Could it not be implantation??? Cramps & brown cm?? Don't give up hope!! I had cramps all day yday & hardly any today... I'm praying it was implantation... Hope it is for you too xxxxx

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