Starting my 2ww!! :)

It's miles clearer in real life, but i took it on my blackberry, shit camera!!!

Oooh, i actually don't know how i feel.

I have just bought some "real" tests as my hubby calls them, so i'll try with fmu tomorro!

I honestly think there is something there but same as the other girls, very blurry piccie
Fx for the test with FMU in the morning
Looked like there was something there honey! Fingers x'd for tomorrow's FMU and test! Let us all know ASAP xxxx
I can't see because of the blurryness, but best of luck for tomorrow, I rate FRERs the best tests.


I couldnt resist doing another ic. Nothing!

I have done 4 today now. 1st with fmu - faint line. 2nd - nothing. 3rd - more noticable (no squinting required) line. 4th - nothing. nada. zilch.

Urghhh i new i was too early testing and now i have got my hopes up.

I'm going to forget about it now and try and hold off a few more days. So.......... off to the gym and then a nice cold glass of vino wen i get back!

Anyone going to be testing tomorrow????


I'm POAS tomorrow just for the hell of it, I'll be 7DPO and it's too early. The 'real' tests have come from Amazon today but I'm not opening the parcel, not wasting them!

My fingers and toes are crossed for you!

I'll be poas again in the morning too. My theory is that i have drank alot today and it may have been to dilute to pick anything up (i'm hoping)

So, lets see what we gat in the morning :) Fx for a couple of BFPs in this little group!!!

I am going to POAS in the morning. Will be 8dpo so probably won't get anything but gonna give it a go anyway :-) fx for all the girls in this group - let's send everyone some BFP baby dust :-) xxx
I can't believe how restrained I am being this time think I'm just scared I will end up with a bfn. Am desperate to test though. The witch is due friday when can I test to be sure of a definite result.
Hello all and good luck to both of you who tested today!! I don't know what fmu stands for, but hope the results are BFP!!! I bought some early show tests today but planning on holding out until at least Tuesday which is 9dpo. If I can hold out until then.
Had to have an x ray today & see doctor who made me feel a little disheartened. Saw the family planning doc who said there is no way I would be having pregnancy symptoms so early & that it must be related to something else, hence the x ray & blood tests.
Feel a wee bit doubtful now...!!! :#
Hey Teri, FMU means first morning urine, the one wen u first get up!

Dont be disheartened hun. I really do have a strong feeling that i am pg (but i have been known to be wrong lol)

i am 5 dpo and have had 2 faint lines on early tests today.

You just never know so keep positive :)

Good luck and FX!

Oh wow. Fingers crossed for you!! I'm 5dpo too but know if I get a bfn it will really dishearten me. I really feel pregnant tho. Tonight I tried a glass of cava whilst opening our wedding pressure, and it tasted yukky so I left it. I NEVER turn down cava. The only time I've gone off booze was when pregnant with my son.
Every symptom points to pregnancy but the doc pretty much laughed at me!!
You testing tomorrow?? Can't wait to hear what it reads!!
Thanks for the lesson on the abbreviations!! He he
No problem!!

I know what you mean with the alcohol thing, ive been really off my wine atm too. Never a good thing on a fri evening lol!!

Yeah i'll test tomorrow. Not expecting anything, i think i may have had a dodgy couple of test, i know deep down its waayyyy to early but hey, gotta cure the addiction!!!

Fx hunny!

Kred84.... How did the test go?
I woke with strong AF cramps today so did a test and... BFN. Ha. Don't know what I was expecting. It's still way too early... But like you said... Got to feed the addiction!!! Xxx
Jacq23... Have you got a link at all for the hpt you ordered from amazon? Mind you, they probably won't arrive in time now xxx
Bfn, as expected!

Never mind it's still early days, 6dpo is still waaayyy too soon.

Fx for whoever's testing this morning, need updates!!!

Good morning ladies.

Well 8 DPO today had a bit of cramping this morning but feels like af. Only 4 days to go and I can test - this is the longest 2ww ever!!

Good luck to those testing today, keep us updated! Xx

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