Starting my 2ww!! :)

Hi all.
Thanks to everyone for being so welcoming. Have symptom spotted all day. lol. Now 7dpo and the tingly nipples, cramping, sore back and metallic taste is not going. I'm new to this so when can I take a test?Fingers crossed for you all.
5DPO and I just wish there was a little window in my belly so I could see what's going on!
And I am depserate to POAS of some kind, any kind! I haven't for over 24 hours and am getting withdrawal symptoms! When will I give in to the urge?!

Hmmm I just ordered a twin pack of CB Digi tests and twin pack of FRER from Amazon...with free next day delivery. I couldn't help myself. They'll be here tomorrow but am going to use my cheapie tests before I crack open the posh ones! I'll need hubby to lock them away or something. But I keep telling myself there's no point til at least 7DPO as tests won't pick up until implantation.
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I caved as soon as postie arrived!!

2 ic's down with bfn, which is to be expected!

Leanne, ur symptoms sound promising? have u not caved on poas yet??

Massive tip - please please please go online and order some cheapie tests. I have been trying for a while now and if you develop POAS addiction then you will end up spending HUNDREDS on tests and it all gets out of control!
Get your cheapie sticks now online and then just save one First Response test for say, 12-14DPO. And don't bother testing until 9DPO unless you are just really rich!
I saw my gynae doc today and she said really its best to wait until AT LEAST 12DPO.
although we have had some lovely ladies on here getting their faint BFPs at 9DPO, for those of us who arent pg, it means a lot of disappointment and feeding that POAS addiction!!

Lots of love and luck x x
kred, are you also 5DPO? When will you test again?
Yes I'm 4or 5 dpo toady i think.

I will be poas every day now as i am addicted!

Lara - I have already got my stash of 40 10mui cheapies at the ready lol!!

I cant bear to think how much i have spent since april on pg tests, I reckin nearly £200!! yikes!!!!

Been feeling sick and hot all day!! I'm only 6dpo though so is it possible that I could be pregnant and these could be pregnancy symptoms? I'm so confused and impatient, just really want to know now! Xx
Not long now hun, just a few more days!!!

And then hopefully u will have a nice big fat pink line :)

I'm 6DPO and no symptoms to report :-( I'm feeling down I just want this so much!

POAS this morning but did on OPK which brought up a faint line - doesn't mean anything I was just desperate to pee on something!!! Xx
Aww coolbeans, I know how you feel! Just want to POAS all the time! Work in a hospital and even went on the hunt for some preg tests earlier!! Think I am going mad! Lol. Only a few days left for both of us then we might know! Fx for everyone on here xxx
kred84- I have not yet caved in but I cannot believe how much will power I am having to use. lol
I bet it will feel like a life time though!! If my dates are right I should def get a BFP by weds next week!!!! Eeek!! Going to do one on sat and mon too though just in case I get the chance to get a BFP before :)

Ahh really hope we all get BFP'S!!!! xx
Good luck got everything crossed for a bfp for you. Not sure when to start testing as I am new to all this.
I am new to all of it too, but some of the girls on here said that some of the ladies got faint lines on 8DPO and 10DPO. The doctor recommends you don't test before 12DPO in case it is a chemical preg, so work out 12 days from your ovulation date then test :) good luck honey! xxx
im at my 8 DPO now and ive surprisingly refrained from testing! lol i am more scared of testing and get a BFN i guess. everything i found said that i could get a positive tomorrow but would most likely not show up until monday which would put me at 12 DPO like you said. im sure i will go ahead and test tomorrow though dont think i can wait til monday! ha ha! ughhh the wait is painful! good luck everyone!!! hope we get some BFP this month!
So who is testing when? Im testing next Wed at 12 DPO, wish it would hurry up!

I'll be testing next weds too at 12DPO! Gonna test on monday too!! So exciting, hopefully the weekend will fly by for us :) xx
Hello all
I'm 5dpo, AF hopefully not coming on 24th & already tested & got a BFN... Obviously!! Nice to see so many of you at the same stage. Aren't these 2 weeks dragging!!
I've been getting a few symptoms which were similar to those I got with my little boy:
- sharp twinges in left of groin
- unbelievable bloating
- increased sense of smell
- tiredness
- emotional (I got sent home from work yesterday to rest & spent afternoon crying for no reason!!)
But have been quite poorly for weeks now so not sure how much of this is illness related or possibly baby related?!?!?!
How are the rest of you doing?? Xxxxxx

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