Starting my 2ww!! :)

kred84 - I am peeing loads too, and have been having mild cramps, but it is my first month off the pill, so I am not used to normal PMS symptoms or preg symptoms, so could be one or the other! Def having some kind of mood swings as well! Lol xx

Peeing constantly too!
I totally agree, I definitely want a clear blue digi result! When are you testing? Xx
I am 6 dpo and starting my 2ww. I am new to the site and am so grateful for any support. Its great to know there are others out there feeling the same. I had a early (7 wk) mc a few months ago so am extra tense and worried. I have been symptom spotting which is making me worse I have to admit.
I am 6 dpo and starting my 2ww. I am new to the site and am so grateful for any support. Its great to know there are others out there feeling the same. I had a early (7 wk) mc a few months ago so am extra tense and worried. I have been symptom spotting which is making me worse I have to admit.

Good luck Leanne and welcome!

Sorry to hear about you MC, fingers crossed for BFP soon xx
Thanks fingers crossed for everyone on here too. Its great to have some support. I think my OH is bored of talking about it all. lol. I haven't really told family either as don't want to get everyones hopes up and don't want the constant enquiries about whether I am pregnant or not.
Hi ladies :wave:

I'm 7dpo and gradually inching through the 2ww! By Saturday I'm sure I'll know one way or t'other but it's occupying all my spare thoughts at the moment - argh!!

:dust: to all! :dust: :dust:
You are beating my by 1dpo. lol. Same here every spare minute is used up on symptom spotting!! Good luck for sat. x
Jacq23, i completley undersatnd hun. I had a chemical pg in apr and a blighted ovum in 2005. As tests can pick up early, it does mean that u know when u have a chemical.

Leanne, welcome hun!
I am trying to keep it under my belt this time too, everyone keeps askin wen i'll have another. Alot of friends are pg too and i get sick of baby talk with them, knowing i want one too!!

Coolbeans, my ic's arrive tom so i will most probably be poas wen postie arrives lol!!

Fx for a shedload of BFP's this month girlies!!

So lovely to see so many lovely ladies in this thread! Hopefully it will be a lucky one and we will all get our eagerly awaited BFP!!!

I am 5DPO today and will be 8 on sat - am sooooo tempted to test then! It's so exciting, feeling a bit sick tonight and really tired but don't know if it is real or my body is just winding me up!!! Sending everyone lots of baby dust :) xxx
So lovely to see so many lovely ladies in this thread! Hopefully it will be a lucky one and we will all get our eagerly awaited BFP!!!

I am 5DPO today and will be 8 on sat - am sooooo tempted to test then! It's so exciting, feeling a bit sick tonight and really tired but don't know if it is real or my body is just winding me up!!! Sending everyone lots of baby dust :) xxx
Thanks kred :) Which part of the 2ww is worst I wonder? Now seems to be going so slow because I know symptoms could actually show up, if they wanted to! At least 1-5 you can kind of get on with things because anything else is all in the mind!! :lol:

:dust: :dust:
Good luck Tinselcat. Not had any symptoms tonight and starting to doubt myself now! 2ww is sooooooo hard!
I agree with u there Tinselcat, past 5dpo its like, oooh is this a symptom?

Either way, my nipples have been soooooo sensitive/painful for 3 days now, so that means it started at 1dpo, which means i have been thinking about it from day one! That makes it a loooong 2ww!

Anyway my ic's arrive tomorrow morning so i cant wait to poas!

It has got me thinking that i might have ov'd earlier than i thought tho, as i have had no pos on opks and only one day of ewcm on cd12. I didnt use opks till cd 12 so maybe i did, kinda hoping so i can find out sooner lol!

Tinsel, are you gonna test tomorro at all? I have seen some ladies on here get faint lines at 8dpo??

Keep me posted!


Sore/sensitive nipples is a good sign :) is that rare for you? Good luck with your POASing :clover:

I've only got one OPK left and a few cheapie HPTs so it's in my interests to hold off a bit at this stage! :) Also, getting BFN would be too depressing!

Am hoping for more exciting symptoms than I'm currently getting too! This is the ???th night in a row I've woken up feeling hot & bothered, but this time I was starving and needed a snack. And getting a spotty forehead (boooo) as if I was a teenager! Could just be stress tho.

:dust: :dust: :dust:

Coolbeans, it's so frustrating isn't it! But then I'm sure it was only a few days ago that SleepySue was saying she hadn't got any (at about 7dpo) and look where she is now!! So still every hope :)

:dust: :dust: :dust:
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Morning all!!! I caved! POAS this morning and got a BFN - :-( But 6DPO today so didn't think I would get a BFP! Just hope I eventually do get one this weekend or monday! How is everyone today?? Anyone else POAS this morning??

Tinselcat - welcome to our thread :) have you been having many symptoms? If so what? I am 2DPO behind you and starting to get sore boobs!!

Morning Tinselcat,

Yeah, sore boobs is soo rare for me, never had it before. It's like my nipples are constantly erect and if my top or bra rub on them i nearly hit the roof lol!

Wannab, it's still to early but fx for that BFP this month!!

Well, i have another symptom this morning! Great big Feckin Zit on my chin lol! I NEVER get zits!!!
Still a few mild crampy/pullin sensations too. OOOhhhhh, dont ya jus love symptom spotting!!

I've got a massive spot on my chin too - used to get the odd one with my period though so trying not to look into it too much! It's so hard though!! I am symptom spotting mad! Lol. I've had mild cramping and sensitive boobs, but not really sore yet - I've still got a way to go though, it's dragging so much! Xx
I am due AF on 19th or 20th so I am holding out testing until it makes a no show and probably aim to test on 21st. I am also in my first 2ww ever and finding the whole thing really difficult...I have been trying not to symptom spot too but its hard not to! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you all when you test.
Hi Sazzle!

Cool, testing before us, hope its a BFP for u darling!!

Make sure you kepp us all posted!


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