Stage 2... Moving on from purees etc.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
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Please help!

Donovan has been weaning from 4 months and hes now 6 months. He loves porridge, every fruit ive tried, will eat jars as well as pouches as well as homemade blended food and wolfs purees down and I just cant get it down him quick enough.
He is also going off his milk and I can only get him to have 4 bottles a day, one x5oz and 3x7oz which I can see is going to go down to three bottles soon as he is really not keen on the 5oz 'brunch' bottle.
Donovan also doesnt stop eating his food by himself, for example at breakfast he will have a big bowl of porridge made with about 10 table spoon scoops of porridge powder mixed with milk, he will also have a whole fruit pot, I then give him a couple of mashed biscotti baby biscuits this is straight after 5oz of milk and he will have another 2 oz of milk after his food.
The other day I tried him with a second fruit pot at breakfast time just to check if it was enough for him as he always polishes everything off so I wanted to see if he just wanted another couple of mouthfuls to satisfy him, he wolfed the second pot down as well as the porridge and biscotti!

With all this in mind I was certain he would be ready for stage 2 so I bought some jars and after the first mouthful he retched and gagged so much he made himself sick. In my mind I thought this would be how he would learn that he needs to do something different with the food and not just swallow so gave it ten mins and tried again and he was sick again.

I left it another week and have tried him again on stage 2, after three spoonfuls, each spoonful making him retch and vomit I gave up.

I dont know what to do? Is it a case of just trying now and again until they are ready or do I keep trying everyday so he learns how to eat it? Im so confused and hated seeing him retch like this!

Any tips on the transition from puree to lumpy food, the purees he eats at the moment are thick,not runny but have no lumps...

Please help!
Hun I had the same problem, it started off with Odhrán only eating fruity thing, wouldn't lip savory.. Then when I got him on the stage 1 jars, I couldn't get him onto the lumpy bits, he wretched and gagged and it was horrible, he didn't go on the 7 month jar until he was about 10 months, just didn't happen, the jars are quite lumpy, I got the heinz powder and it has smaller bits in it and then I gradually got him onto the lumpier foods, thankfully now I have no problems and he will eat almost anything.. It feels like it will never happen but with time it does, a baby gagging is a natural reflex to stop themselves from choking, even though when Odhrán did it I would panic xx
i had same problem but i discovered Ella's kitchen stage 2 pouches!! AMAZING cos theyre textured not lumpy and once she got use to texture she made transition to lumps really easily!! :) xx
Thanks girls!

Ellas kitchen stage one is what we use the most but as he has been eating more and more I changed to jars as they were cheaper and both Organix and Hipp Organic have fiailed so far so Ill have to try out an ellas kitchen pouch stage 2!
Have you tired giving them food to hold to play with between meals so they can get used to the textures? i found it helped alot x
I mashed Islas stage 2 jars up a but as I thought they were too lumpy?! She now will eat the jar and chew without me doing anything to it.

Try chopping it up a bit more. Isla took a week before she would eat the lumps, that was only 4 weeks ago x

i started amelia on mashe apple as it was soft and own veg if you mash brocollie or cauliflower its not very lumpy hope this helps x
Herbie is the same with jars i think it cos it smooth but with lumps iukwim there just eating then get a big pea I think I would gag lol but then he will eat something like scrambled egg have you tried things like that? I've just kept him on the first ones for now but give him finger food too like toast with his porridge on a morning.
I also have the boxes you mix with milk 7 months plus with small lumps and he eats them fine.

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