stag do tomorrow..


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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My oh is going on stag do tomorrow, I dont like being alone home right now as i dont feel well and I am not very happy with him going, feel right misreable and I know im being childish, really really not happy with him going on stag do tomorrow morning to sunday :( :( Worry about him getting drunk etc...

Am I being childish.. Feel so hormonal again these days!!
Could you not have the girls around to keep you company hunny? x x

I wish.. All my friends and family dont live here, I have only been here for a few months and that make me upset and really miss my pregnant sister and my pregnant bestfriend... I hate being so dependent on my man here and I really try to make friends etc , not easy, dont talk much to OHs family either... :(
Sorry to hear that hunny :( Maybe you could get an alcohol free bottle of wine, order a take away and call your sister or best friend and have a good old chat x x

Yes, just really dont like being alone haha... Neigbours were recently robbed in their house during daytime and freak me out same thing could happen to us.. But its just silly, I have to get used to being alone home at some point... Just not talking to my OH tonight as I feel so bad about him leaving, he tend to become silly when he is drunk too !!
My OH has just gone away today til monday on a 80's adult weekend at butlins with his football team so I'm home alone to... I would rather he didn't go but then I would feel guilty as he would be the only one not going, so I've told him if he take me away before the baby is born then its a deal and he can go... Lol I gave him the ' drink responably' talk, no fighting etc.. Not that he normal gets in fights because he doesn't, but you no what lads are like when they get together and its for the whole weekend! At least I won't have to watch one football match all weekend... :) xx
My OH the same, hes either really stupid or too serious when hes drunk, dont know which one I like the best lol!
Sorry to hear about your neighbour thats awful, i know you really dont want to be home alone but your OH needs time to let his hair down and spend time with the lads, can you get your OH to check the house is secure before he goes out and then you would feel a little safer.
My OHs out tonight so im just snuggled up on the couch watching the soaps enjoying the peace and quiet as little man is fast asleep x x

My OHs out tonight so im just snuggled up on the couch watching the soaps enjoying the peace and quiet as little man is fast asleep x x

Snap!!! :) then I'm going for a nice bubble bath x
Make the most of the time alone, chick flick, hog the bed to yourself, nice long bath, tub of ice cream or bar of chocolate! Just think no stinky farts, snoring, beer breath and annoying drunken man chat! Its not long, my hubby away every other month for the whole month. I'm on own just now (11 days left!) it can be hard but I always try to make the most of it when hubby away working or out with lads. I'd rather he didn't come home in the state they get in on stag nights anyway much less hassle and I get a better nights sleep!
Thank u, I try to be positive, just feel really upset about it.. Really feel like going home to my family tomorrow...! Get on a plane and go and see them
Scandimum a wee trip home before the baby is born is a fantastic idea! On the other hand, I have no idea how much it costs for you to fly home. I don't mind being home alone. Hubby works every Fri night so I am home alone and happy out on the sofa!

Try not to worry about what shape your other half is in - ask him to call you tomorrow dinner time and again on Sunday morning. You really should try to keep your stress levels down as it is not good for your blood pressure to be worrying at all xx
thank you.. I know. I am planning to go back to Norway before I give birth..
He left this morning already and we had a really big argument last night, really not good.. Feel crap..
I dont know whether your OH works like mine hunny, but if we had an aguement and he went out with the lads hed get even more drunk, send him a text or call him, you will probally feel loads better then.
He probally feels torn as hes got the lads in one ear telling him he has to go and then hes got you at home.
A trip home before baby is born is a great idea :) maybe you could start looking into planning this weekend that will keep you busy.
Massive :hugs: x x

Thank u! ... Yes you are right, will try have a nice day and think positive.. I feel just so hormonal again and having headache all time is driving me mad.. I got text from him but I replied a not so nice text so now he think Im leaving him for going home to norway.. Im a nightmare :(..

Big hugs back!x
:hugs:awwww scandimum, try to think of all his wee trips/ nights out as opportunities for you to be earning brownie points that you can use after baby is born! You will have earned some time out for yourself and will be able to justify it very easily by saying - you got to blow off steam loads whilst I was pregnant!

I am sure your OH will understand that you are just being hormonal. He is already away, there is no point the 2 of you fighting via text all day. If he was to turn now and come home would it really help your mood any? If not then you know it is purely hormones!

I think the above is a great idea - spend today pricing flights for your visit home - it will keep you busy and give you something to look forward to. Again, try not to worry as you must try to keep your blood pressure down. Big :hugs:xx
Where are you? We'll all come round and have a BBQ !!! Chick flick, ice cream, popcorn etc. Does sound like your hormones I'm afraid..... I personally love it when my DH is away - he works shifts and I love having the place to myself, watch what I want on TV. I'm not alone though, I've kids too so will be different for me. Remember not to leave it too late to go to Norway - 28 weeks most airlines ok to fly without doctor letter. Have you got skype - call your sister and friend and have a good chin wag. Your OH is a bit of a grumpy one eh? Big hug honey - really wish we could all come round :)

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