Stag Do...

I would be ok with DH going I think I would probably worry alittle thats natural but not enough to let it upset me or wreck things for him. I know how he feels about strippers, lap dancers and prostitutes so I wouldn't really be concerned about any of those things if he was going to cheat it would just be with just a normal woman which if he was going to do he could do at home just as easily as when hes away.

A few years back I was very insecure although I had quite good reason I really wound myself up and DH and it didn't help anything and I decided then I wasnt going to let myself get in that state again and now I just think if hes going to cheat he will and the truth will come out in the end and I would deal with it then.
Bloody hell I would be tearing my hair out- some of my OHs mates would think it highly amusing to get him pissed enough to cheat on me and then tell me just to watch the fireworks...! I'd be more worried if I was the bride to be, after seeing all these sleazy programmes on TV post 11pm!

Still, if you know and trust the blokes going with him that must be a comfort- maybe you could arrange a girly night out while he's away??

I do trust him, I also trust 100% the guy who's wedding it is. He's lovely and i am also friends with him. some of the other not so. I think arranging something with the girlies for that weekend is a good idea.. thanks :hug:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
Do you mind your OH going on a stag do?

OH is planning on going away next year for one of his friends stag party's. They are going on a 2 day booze cruise to Amsterdam :? I'm not particularly happy about it but have kept quiet. One is because I don't want him to feel as though I don't trust him. I do 90% but there is a big part of me that thinks anyone put in certain situations with lots of booze and girls may cheat.

Another reason is because I think well I wouldn't go away and leave him with Jack for a whole weekend but it's ok for him to do it :? But maybe that is just an excuse and it comes back to the trust thing.

What do you girls think of this type of thing? either in my situation or what you would do?

Like I say I haven't said anything to OH :hug:

Awww :hug:
Im sure your OH just wants to celebrate and have a good time with his mates.
Imagine he didnt go? How left out would he feel.

Imagine all your mates asked you to go somewhere for a weekend.
One of your close mates and say a hen do..
If you didnt go, you'd feel so left out
(Well i would if it was me anyway)

Being away from you wont make him a cheat.
If hes a cheat, he'll cheat anyway!

I can understand it wil be hard being away from him.
But just get him to text/ring u a few times in the day/night/whatever.
You can have an excuse to leave him with the baby later on for time with your mates....

Plus youve got until next year to arrange things yourself for that weekend.
Keep busy :angel:

MY OH was planning to go away in the summer with ALL of his close mates.
When we found out about the baby, he decided he wasnt going to go.
I didnt say anything to him, just let him make his own mind up about it.
If he had gone though, i would have been very upset...
but only due to the fact i would have a NEWBORN baby to look after all by myself for a WEEK!
Hes now saving the money so we can go away as a family when LO is a bit older :)

I dont think id mind if it was the year after the baby being born,
Even if it was Amsterdam, which is known as prostitutes/drugs ect.
Depending on the money situation/ timing ect
I trust my Lee 100% and i know he hates the thought of prostitutes..
One of his mates has been and done it and it discusted him really.

I hope youll be ok about yours :hug:
lfc_sarah said:
Imagine he didnt go? How left out would he feel.

Imagine all your mates asked you to go somewhere for a weekend.
One of your close mates and say a hen do..
If you didnt go, you'd feel so left out
(Well i would if it was me anyway)

Being away from you wont make him a cheat.
If hes a cheat, he'll cheat anyway!

Your completely right.. especially the bits above.. :hug:
trixipaws said:
LOL did u not read my post in adult area...! my boyf admitted to me if he hadnt had so much gak the girls wouldve been "very hard to resist", and he told me all about the lap-dances he got! :roll:

but i dont mind, i like that he gives me freedom too- i kno he'd "let" me go away without him

i just read your other post :shock:

oh WAS planning to go amsterdame for his stag next year, well i can say he WONT be going noe reading that :rotfl:

i've heard most the prozzies in amsterdam are tranny's anyway... that would serve him right for being a cheating scumbag!!! :angel:
It wouldn't bother me at all. If my OH wanted to cheat he'd cheat, it wouldn't make a difference where he was and I'm sure thats the same for anybody!
Your life doesn't end once your baby is born, men and women are still entitiled to a good time so him going away for the weekend shouldnt come down to him leaving you with Jack. Just enjoy your time with Jack and relax!
I wouldn't mind at all. I've been on holiday with the girls before and OH's been away with his mates. I trust him 100% and besides I would hate it if he tried to stop me doing stuff..............I would do it to spite him!
My OH is actually off to Amsterdam again with his mates on Sunday for a few days.

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