
Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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Charley has loads of spots on his face and neck which look like thier getting worse. I've had a google and it says it's normal in newborns but I can't remember Lacey ever having it!
Does anyone elses babies have/had it? Here's a pic...


Not sure if it's very clear!
Seb has 'milk' spots on his cheeks but they're fading.

He's not had anything like that though. Hope some one can be more help!
He's got milk spots on his nose but their fading! These look like acne!
could be a heat rash. It looks very similar to what ethan had at charleys age. I got the dr just to check it at his 8week check and was all fine. Nothing you can put on it really. Does he have it on his body to? Xxx
No only on his face, neck and afew in his hair! They look awful! I thought it might be dry skin but his dry skins cleared up now apart from his legs!
Is it the one side or both? Drake had this behind his ear on his right side.. I gathered it was a kinda sweat rash from when i had been feeding him as i always feed him on my left arm.
Zach had it, it looks the same and some of the spots even had heads on, eergh! He had it when he was bout a week old until he was about 4 weeks, they went then came back and then went again. Hv said it was milk rash and just use cool boiled water to wash his face xxx
Zazu, that's exactly what they look like! They've got heads and look ready to squeeze! I won't though lol
I had to stop myself from squeezing them, as I'm a terrible picker, love getting the snot out of zachs nose n wax out of his ears (disgusting I know!). They did look awful, but cleared up well, when they came back they only lasted a few days and weren't as bad as the first time. Hope they go soon xxx
herbie had spots just like that with heads on now his has turned into dry skin and he has cream off the doc hope they clear up soon.
Gah Corey has these red patches on his face legs and arms with like a white spot in the middle. They come and go over a few hours during the day but they leave little red dots. I've looked online and they sound like Erythema Toxicum ( which is harmless, but I'm not a nurse or a doctor so I've made an appointment with the doctor for 3:30pm today to have him checked out. I get really paranoid with things like this. I was bawling my eyes out yesterday over it lol!
Can you let me know what the doc says Nat?! When I've googled it, it looks quite common so I'm hoping it's nothing bad x
Will do Chaz. :) Yep that's what I've read too. I'm just constantly paranoid because one of the nurses at the hospital had a coldsore and apparently they're really dangerous for newborns. Bleh!
Just got back from doctors. He said it's quite common for babies to get harmless rashes and it's likely that Corey will get them because he was 10 days late and has dry skin. He said what we don't want to see is clusters of them or anything that has puss. He said puss means there's an infection and that would then need be treated. He did put a name to what he thinks it is, but it was a long medical name that I forgot. x[ Also he said because the patches come and go and they move around it's not an infection, that would be constant in one place. He told me to use a little bit of baby oil on Corey's skin and to go back if I think there's a change in the rash or that it has gotten worse. Hope this helps a bit?
they are exactly what daisy has she had them off and on for a while
Lisa, google baby acne. I think that's what Charleys got! Looks the same x x
This is Charley's skin today. Looking worse. Gonna phone hv tomorrow. Really does look like acne!


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