
Oh the poor lad! Looks quite sore doesn't it. I hope you get him seen tomorrow and can get some answers xx
Liv had these really really bad and it turned out she was allergic to the fabric softner I was using. Hope this helps and they clear up x

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Ella had this last week and I was told by the doc that it was a skin infection caused by other folk holding her when wearing perfume and not using non-bio etc... Turns out she has extra sensitive skin. I was given antibiotics for her and within 2 days she had beautiful skin again.
Just got back from docs, he's got baby eczema! Got to use olive oil on him and use non bio washing powder on everyone in the family and limit cuddles with people who dont use non bio! I have to phone hv tomorrow too, to see if his milk could be causing it!
oh bless him, i hope it clears up quickly, poor little love :hug: xx
joshua had them and they cleared up after being wiped with some cooled boiled water.....just seemed to be little baby pimples or some sortof heat rash! was all over his head, face neck and chest eventually. Asked the HV and she dont worry its normal and fine! x
My eva has the exact same rash on one side of her face! Looks so awful! Will ask midwife on Monday to look and tell me whether it's baby acne or heat rash. Hope it will go away soon! :-(

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