sperm test results, can anyone hep?


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2011
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hi girlies,
well just got the results of oh sperm test and not as good as i'd hoped. Doc said that he has 75 million but only one in five are moving normaly when it should be one in three. got to wait to be refered to the hospital now but was wondering if anybody knew what sort of treatment would be avalible xxx
Sorry can't offer advice but didn't want to read and run.

I'm sure your doc can offer plenty of advice on treatments available, and don't forget, it only takes 1 good swimmer to get through :) x

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Hello, so he is basically saying that 20% are moving and it should be more like 33%?

Well equally, the lower end of average density is 20 million and your OH has 75 million (!!) so I would say based on these two figures that all is not as bad as your doctor is suggesting.

What he lacks in movers he makes up for in numbers (if he had 20 million and only 20% were moving there might be more of an issue but he has 75 million and 20% of THOSE are moving properly).

I hope that makes sense?

It's not as simple as the doctor is making out and there are other factors such as volume to take into consideration the 75 million will be per ml produced...

From the two results you've given I wouldn't say that treatment was necessary - are you being referred to a hospital for treatment or for a consultation with someone who can tell you what the results mean?

hi emily thanks for your reply the doc didnt say much more than that really just that we will now be refered to the fertility clinic so dont really know whats going to happen, im hoping its not as bad as i'm thinking i guess i was just expecting him to say everything was fine.

thanks again for your help xx
From what you've said, I think it is fine - don't worry yet!

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