Low Sperm Count


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2007
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Well we I went to pick up DH's results from his sperm test today and it is bad news I am afraid :cry:

The count was only 6.5 million per mil. I believe that is really low. There was 13million in total.

His mobility is ok, but not wonderful: 70% I am translating from the spanish but I believe it is something like 'fast moving sperm' are at 40% and it should be more than 60% And then the slow movers are at 30% where they should be 10-20%

Morphology was ok at 70% normal.

We are gutted. Any advice? :(
hi hun my brother had a low sperm count and they told them that there was very little chance of them having a baby naturaly, they now have 2 girls with no problem so dont give up hope
sorry i dont have any advice, i dont know anything about sperm count we havent went into that yet, but 6.5 million per mil still seems alot to me :shock: at the end of the day it only takes one of those little swimmers to make it, so i think you still have a really good chance, have you thought about using pre seed it might give the slower ones a bit more of a chance.
Thanks for your kind words Mary and Claire, but it really isn't good. :wall:

Less than 10million per mil is actually considered very low (at less than 5mil they say there is no chance of conceiving naturally). DH has 6.5mil.

I am pretty upset. I know there's still a chance, and maybe the count will improve (obviously we are going to focus on doing whatever we can with diet and supplements, cool baths etc.) and there is always IVF, but it's not going to be easy. :cry:
Just offering you loads of Cuddles :hug: :hug: :hug: Your time will come.....It will..... :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: Just when you were starting to feel more positive, too. :( At least you now know what the problem is. Don't they offer IUI before IVF? There's some way of 'washing' the sperm to collect the good ones, and then placing them directly in your uterus so they don't have to swim as far - giving them a bus ride half the way. From what I know, which isn't very much :lol: , if everything's ok with you, that is the first option because it doesn't involve giving you lots of drugs.

The good news is that sperm are being made constantly, so there's a good chance that if your DH takes really good care of himself, the sperm quality will improve in three months' time. Sometimes those tests are just done on an off-day! Maybe you should think about taking a break for a couple of months, to give both of you a chance to relax about it, and then try again in the New Year? Your poor DH must be feeling the pressure...

Hi Sookie

Dont worry just yet. You need to have another sperm test done, preferably 3 months apart. A mans sperm count can change each day, so here they do not look at only 1 set of results. We had 4 done in total before starting treatment and have since had 2 more done. Our results were 1.3 million, 44 mill, 1.8 mill, 4.4 mill, 100(!!! dont know what happened there!!) and 5 mill. They cant find any reason for the low count so i'm hoping one day it could go back to normal.

If his count is low after another test, the only treatment for male factor infertility is ICSI. I dont think they will bother with IUI as it wouldn't give you that much better chance. We were told the only way was ICSI.

Dont lose hope yet though.

Michelle x
Hi Sookie, I know exactly how you feel. My DH and I were told he had a sperm count of less than 1million and the majority of the sperm present weren't swimming in the right direction. We were heartbroken and gave up trying, and tried to convince ourselves we could live without children. However, I am almost too scared to believe it's true but I am now approx 8 weeks pregnant. I haven't been to the doctors yet as I am scared that they'll tell me it's not true. might go in a few weeks.I'm so scared and nervous as I daren't believe it could happen when all of the odds were stacked up against us but I have started to experienced tell tale symptoms. Please, please keep positive and make your dh take zinc+vitamin c supplements and eat lots of bananas. I will keep everything crossed for you and send you all the hope in the world xx
Thanks for your replies guys.

I know that we need to wait and have more tests. DH's lifestyle has goten a makeover in the last month or so, so there is a good chance that it will improve next time. I will try to stay positive. :|

Dervla79, your story definitely offers hope. Congratulations! :hug: I am sure everything is just fine with your pregnancy. I know that there are these stories out there of men with very low counts fathering children, and others with nothing wrong that can't. The medical world certainly doesn't have everything worked out yet. :roll: So there is always hope.

And Kitty, yes IUI is a possibility. But as Michelle says, it is not that successful in many cases. It depends on the amount of swimmers available after the wash, and I read that because there is a problem to begin with it seems more likely that the ones that are ok may not be of the best quality and may not be able to fertilise the egg. Therefore if we do have a recurring problem in this area, then ICSI is probably the only option.

I'm sure I will feel better in a few days. :)
Sookie, I think changing the hubby's diet and unhealthy ways are the good way to go!! Wishing you the best of luck, don't despair, stay positive!! :hug:
Low sperm count can be terrible for many person especially the young ones. Men should have enough sperm count and those who don't have, there is no need to worry as now there are ways to boost sperm count. I would simply recommend you to use Semenax. This is a natural supplement used to boost semen volume and sperm count.
See more on: https:// sites. google. com/ site/ benefitsofsemenax/

I think you should read the forum rules about advertising.
OMG hahaha! Makes me wonder if she finally did get pregnant though.....
My hubby had this, he was told his sperm count was low, we'd actually been at it like rabbits s cos I thought I was ovulating and you weren't supposed to have sex for s week, oh well! We never told the doc that. He told him to take vitamin supplements. 1000mg vitamin c. Zinc and I think it's iron, I'll check. Then bingo! Now got a two year old!
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