Sperm results (results on page 2)

Sorry it wasnt better news for you scotch, did they say what the next move is? xxx
A second test. Doctor said he'd call the hospital to find out why we had to wait 7 weeks last time and try to get us in earlier
And everything the doc said could be done to improve them (don't smoke, don't drink, be fit, east healthy, etc) are already part of our lifestyle...
:hugs: scotch egg x x
Sorry wasn't better news but better to find out sooner rather than later down the line- once problem identified you can come to terms and move forward :)
Lots of things can be done so chin up onwards and upwards x x :hugs:
Sorry hun. At least you now know and can start appropriate treatment. Another step closer to your bfp :hug:


Hiya, just seen your PM, sorry literally been out all day and just got back.

So here are your results (far left) compared to some of my hubby's results and what they should be (far right):


My opinion is that you need to have ICSI :(

Your hubby's result are a little better than mine and you get double the volume also, but he'd still only potentially have 86400 decent sperm cells that move forward and have good morphology and that isn't enough for standard IVF...

I'm really so so sorry :cry:

They aren't set in stone though!

You can do so much more to improve them than what the GP suggested.

I don't really know what else to say except for that i'm here if you need any support. I can tell you timescales or anything about the treatment or even if you just need to chat about how you and hubby are feeling - i can relate :hug:

What are the first 3 digits of your postcode? (you can PM if you want) xx
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I can't get my head round it. It doesn't sound right. It can't be real.
I can't get my head round it. It doesn't sound right. It can't be real.

I'm really sorry. They could get a lot better at the next semen result... It's really important that your OH goes crazy with the sperm care in the next 7 weeks.

It's also important not to stop ttc in the meantime too. Conception does happen sometimes.

I know it's a head f**k and i'd love to tell you that you become more accepting of it as time progresses but you don't. I still haven't come to terms with us needing ICSI.

It really puts your relationship and beliefs and understanding of the world under stress xx
Lots and lots of love to you!!!! Xxx so sorry it was not better news. Xx
Im sorry to hear it wasn't good news Scotch! Big Hug! Xxx
Ok then. 2 days of crying is enough. Back in the right direction.

Healthy eating and lifestyle aside (there's not much more either of us can do there) this is the list of changes oh is making. Anything we're missing?

1) looser pants
2) multivitamin designed for male fertility
3) phone out of front trouser pocket
4) try to cut back sex a little (but not so much it impacts our relationship)
Hiya Scotch :)

1) Looser pants is a good idea but also no hot baths/showers or a hot house or anything. He shouldn't ever feel too warm and sweaty unless exercising.

We bought a couple of fans so that hubby is always cool.

2) Multi-vits are a must but he probably also needs a higher dose of anti-oxidants like vitamin C. I'm sure hubby was advised to take 1000mg extra Vit C but instead we have taken a supplement called Pycnogenol after Bead suggested her hubby used it and had a huge improvement in his sperm numbers.

I must stress that my consultant told hubby not to take Pycnogenol because they haven't tested it, but there are actually a lot of studies on it so we are taking it anyway in secret.

3) Phone and laptops are a no no.

4) Don't cut out sex! You want to be doing it every other day without fail (get his to sort himself out if you're not in the mood) and then in advance of providing a sample miss two full days and on the third day give the sample.

If he doesn't go often enough, the sperm cells die and are reabsorbed into the body but they also produce toxins.

5) No caffiene. At all. None. No coffee. No fizzy drinks (except water and lemonade and maybe caffiene free variations). No dark chocolate.

6) Low GI diet. This is mainly for my hubby as he has diabetes, but irregular blood sugar can cause a lot of problems in general. So no sugar and stick to brown carbs.

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