Sperm results - good and bad news


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2010
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Hi, everyone - hope you're all well on this fab morning. Hubby and I have just had our first lots of fertility tests and had our results back this week.

For me - my day 3 and day 21 bloods have all come back good. My levels are all good and I'm ovulating regularly. My doctor wants to give me a pelvic exam next week to make sure my vagazzle, etc is ok.

Hubby just got his sperm results back - a mixture of good and bad. His sperm count is good - no problems with that. The sperm mobility is good, so no problems with them whizzing up my cervix. The problem is he has 95% abnormal sperm.

I guess this news is more good than bad? I was afraid he would have a low sperm count and low mobility, which would make it more difficult to conceive?

The doc said the average man has 85% abnormal sperm, which sounds high anyway. On the bright side, he is producing a good amount of sperm that can swim - just not as many quality ones as normal. But there are good quality, good swimming spermies in there.

Anyone else here had the same problem? The doc just said he should be keeping his gonads cool, eating well, not smoking or drinking, etc - which is what he does anyway, so I guess there isn't a great deal he can do?
It sounds like a pretty positive outcome to me hun :hug: x
I agree with princess Hun - that sounds overall a good outcome!


Thanks girls. I must admit I do feel more positive. If he'd come back and said he had a low sperm count, poor mobility and abnormal sperm, I would have thrown the towel in. As long as my ladybits are ok, I guess it might take us longer to conceive than normal, which isn't that hopeful as my biological clock has almost ticked out xx
i dont have a scooby doo about sperm, but those results sound good hun, louiseB i'm sure will be able to tell you more :) glad your tests are all good too :)
It's not really as simple as that regarding the sperm results :oooo:

I'd need to know the sample size, actual concentration, % normal motility and then the % abnormal to attempt to give you any kind of opinion based on what my hubby's results show :)

If a sperm is abnormal, then it might reach the egg but not actually be able to fertilise it or if it does manage to fertilise then there might be a greater risk of a failed pregnancy or birth defects.
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Thanks, Louise. Hubby got the results over the phone and his doctor told him in plain English. He didn't write down the proper results, although these are available to pick up from the surgery (which is now shut till next week). When he gets them I'll post them up. All he can remember was his sperm count was 20 million, which the doc said was normal, but he had 95% abnormal sperm. He can't remember was the motility rate was, but the doctor said it was good. Mind you, both our doctors have told us that a perfect sperm sample result is as rare as chickens' teeth - there's always something wrong with a sample. Anyway, I'm going to try to ignore all my symptoms this weekend and enjoy the sunshine before the next fertility installment next week xxxx
I would say that sounds fine hun, my hubbys result came back as good he had 35 million of which 6% were good. Our doc said that was fine so I wouldn't worry it all sounds normal x x
Anyway, I'm going to try to ignore all my symptoms this weekend and enjoy the sunshine before the next fertility installment next week xxxx

Yeah, it's a goodd idea to relax :)

I don't like that 20mil... that's the borderline, sounds too convenient imo - although i am rather tainted and suspicious :good:

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