Sperm Count Experiment


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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Did any of you watch a program called Indestrucibles on Thursday night? Can't rememeber what channel it was on though. It seemed a bit like Brainiac.

They had two twins - red and blue twin - and they wanted to see what effect regular ejaculation had on sperm count. They tested both mens sperm before hand. They both had normal counts.

Then one of the twins had to abstain for 5 days, while the other had to masturbate every day (I think he did it more than once a day but was half asleep at the time of watching it lol).
After the 5 days they were retested.

The one who abstained for 5 days, his sperm count had gone up by 5 million. I think at the start he had 30mill per ml (?) then had 35mill per ml at the end of the 5 days.

The other one only managed to produce 1ml of sperm and was therfore temporarily infertile.

So I guess BDing every day does more harm than good :shock:

Every other day in the future for us I think lol.
Hmmm.... how interesting Skairdy. Of course our "very professional" clinic (NOT) claim its the other way round (yeah right!) I think we will cut it down a little as well and bd'ing every day doesnt seem to be getting us anywhere :roll:
If you do want to BD more than every other day...cause sometimes if you measure in hours it is actually longer.....you are safe to do every 36 hours. That is how long it takes for a normal sperm count to regenerate. Did it say how many hours had delayed since his last ejaculation before they tested him?
Very interesting!

I find it so hard to BD every other day... I usually find I want to BD on the day in between and not on the planned day! I'll try and stay away from hubby every other day and see how that works :)
That's really interesting. Thanks for that. Thanks goodness I don't have to do it every day. :cheer:

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