spd- what helps?


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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hi my lovelies,

had midwife today and all is fine with bubs. she was trying to locate his head etc then suddenly an "oh its right down there" in quite a shocked voice occured. lol.

unfortunatley she didnt have my blood test results from last time as they were sent to my old midwife.

i mentioned that i had been having alot of pain in my left butt cheek and hip sort of area. to the point that i couldnt move for 10 minutes the other day and was in tears. said it feels like i need to crack a bone back into place.

she then said im suffering with spd. i have seen a few of you talk about this but wasnt really aware of what it was. can anyone give me abit more ingo as all the midwife gave me was a sheet saying to rest and take paracetamol.

what works for you to make it better and can it cause any issues later/ during labour. she said its because he is sooo low alreadyto the point where she said his head will engage in the next couple of weeks or so and it should ease abit of the pain. argh talking about engaging already.

sorry for long post. am very grateful for any advice, xxx
Hiya! I went to see my gp about this a while ago. She referred me go the physio. Was told I have mild spd, gave me a leaflet about it. The way she explained is that we release a hormone to relax ligaments so they move easily for when baby comes out an its probably from one side of the pelvis moving more than the other. (dont quote me!) Got the leaflet here an main things to help are:

-walking: avoid too much, shorter strides, wear flat shoes.
-stairs: go up and down one stair at a time.
-standing: take weight evenly on both feet, try not to lift heavy things on one side.
-bed: knees together & tighten tummy and seat muscles before rolling over and out of bed.
-car: keep knees together and twist to get out.
-dressing- sit down to put trousers etc on.

Also it says wear your support belt, I had to get measured for this brace thing, but to be honest it doesn't do much.

Think mermaid and keep your legs together when getting in and out of bed or the car, and sitting symmetrically when relaxing
I agree with rveything Heidi hi says. I suffered badly With my dd2 and ended up crying as it was so painful. It was definitely a thing that put me off getting pregnant.

This time around Ive paid privately to see a Chiropracter. She's worked miracles on my pelvis and even when baby has knocked my pelvis back out she's re-set it and I've managed to carry on. She's been definitely worth the money and after birth I have to see her again to make sure my pelvis has held during labour.

I was sent to see a Physio on the nhs and it was useless. My chiro said the belt would help me only if my pelvis was set straight, if not the belt wouldn't do anything other than cause me pain because it wasn't assymetrical (sp?)

Maybe a chiro would be worth thinking about and I've also had a friend who visited an osteopath which worked well too.
i would also recommened using a gym/birthing ball - i sit or bounce on mine for a bit every day and it helps x
can it cause any issues later on in pregnancy. heard what i think are rumours as midwife didnt say anything but some people have said it can make you go early and can lead to needing a c section. xxx
I missed my referrals to the physio but I honestly don't see what difference it'll make as mine seems to be so bad. I've been told what's been listed above, but I know I'm going to struggle bigtime - I was examined a week ago and the pain was excruciating. To be honest I think doing what they've said and seeing the physio will help. Don't let it go like I have, I'm in such pain everywhere with everything :(

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