

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2010
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0 sweet OH treated me to a spa break this weekend, sooo nice of him. Day at a spa, massage, 3 course meal, night's stay etc. So we get there and I say oh so casually, "so is there anything I shouldn't do in the spa if I'm pregnant?" and they tell me that I can't use anything!!! The jacuzzi, steam room, sauna etc are all too hot so a risk for pregnant women!!! I didn't know that! They did give me a complimentary facial, and I could still get my massage (although only with odourless oil). Did anyone else know about this? Apparently the heat can cause the body temperature to rise...increasing risk of fainting and miscarriage!!! Is it the same for a hot bath?! I never realised there was so much you can't do with this old pregnancy lark!!!xx :wall2:
I'm glad you posted this, my OH wanted to book me and my mum into a spa as ive been feeling lousy. I knew there would me some things i couldnt get but not to that extent.
There isso much stuff we can't do, drink or eat :( x
I know!!! It wasn't in any of the stuff I have read about for pregnancy. I'd like to say that the facial at least has made me look all radiant and glowing...but...erm...I still look as pale and knackered as I did before!!! :oooo: x
lol, thats a shame! It does say in one of my pregnancy books not to have hot baths in case you get overheated - it increases risk of miscarriage. And i love hot baths :-( x
No hot baths!!! But it's winter! It's the time for hot baths Cherelle...say it ain't so!:mad: x
I've been having at least one hot bath a week. I had one yesterday too. I think I will stop having as many then. I love baths :( x
Oh god...this is turning all a bit depressing isn't it?! And how do we judge what a 'hot' bath is???xx
I work in a spa and our policy is no treatments or spa until after 12 weeks then limited treatments after 12 weeks. The heat from the steam rooms raise your temperature making your body fight to lower your body heat so taking vital oxygen away from the baby. Also it's adviced not to use certain oils during pregnancy as these can be toxic to the baby!!
Hope this helps x x
Lol I know. When I go in a bath I usually burn my feet its so hot but have the window and door open so lots of cool air get in. I'm terrible for running baths that are too warm. Maybe we should just stay in the house for the full 9 months and only eat bread and water to be on the safe side haha x
I miss hot baths!! :(

My OH's Parents have a hot tub too and i'm banned! :(

Ha! Yes, bread, water, no fun, no danger...THANK GOODNESS ALL THIS WILL BE WORTH IT!!!xx
I hate hot baths. One thing I won't be missing! Hopefully the same doesn't apply to hot showers? xxx
I should hope we can still have hot showers! Don't fancy a cold one much!!!x
I use the jacuzzi, for a treat, but only go in for about 5 mins and make sure my body has cold down enough after swimming or going in the gym before even going near it. It would be no different to having a hot bath now and then, which lots of Mum's have done for years.

Not saying that is safe, just what i do. There was also nearly 10 weeks before i realised about not being able to go into the jucuzzi and had been using it.
I posted on the another thread about Hot Baths and was told that as long as its warm enough for you to get in all at once insted of inching bit by bit, and that you dont go red or sweaty then it's fine!

Hot tubs and Jacuzzi's stay at a constant temp - baths cool down all the time you are in them which is why they are safer!

Enjoy one every now and then!

yeah ive still been having warm baths, just not too hot - says in my books to test the temp with your elbow x
Ive just come back from a weekend away, and couldnt use the jacuzzi either!

But, Ive managed to pass out twice now, both in a hot (ish) shower, and my midwife said it can be quite a problem apparently.Thankfully, I can feel the warning signs now, but dont think I will be using any jacuzzis in the near future!
I work in a gym and used to have a sauna twice a week really miss them but the hot baths I cant go without and of course my baby isnt growing properly and my consultant promised me its nothing to do with the hot baths

i was told the hot baths were just not to be done in the 1st tri by 2 midwives and a consultant so not too sure if its not allowed lol xx

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