sorry this is gross (TMI)


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
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hmm, last night i went for a wee and when i wiped i had like a ball of snot with blood stain in it..... i think im abit early for it to be the mucus plug. what do u think? it wasnt that big. :think:
eww sounds a bit ewwy lol i think it cud be the plug cos some poeple have it weeks before the bubba pops out :)
it is probably your mucus plug or part of it
my friend lost her plug 5 weeks before her baby was born
so it doesnt mean bubs will come now, just making ready!!! :D
sounds like it could be, although I've known some laydees still have to wait weeks :(
Obiously I donk know for sure but before I finished reading your post I thought it was your mucus plug. Some woman lose their plug in one go and it can be the amount of a tablespoon & others may continue to lose bits of their plug over a couple of weeks. Like Telga can be weeks after losing your plug that baby is born. Have you thought of calling your midwife just to let her know what you have just experienced?

T xx
yeh i think it could be part of my plug then coz it was only a little bit. just probably keep an eye on it and see if anymore comes out.
the baby is movin round fine and everythin and it was only slight so im not worryin. thanx all x
Our midwife noted that the plug "looks like snot with blood in it".

I lost Part of mine at 35 weeks, then eneded up being induced at 40+10.
Definitely sounds like your plug Jo, or at least part of it!
Sounds like your plug. It's not too early, you can start losing your plug weeks before labour starts. It's fine. I wish I'd even had a hint of losing mine and I've only got 9 days to go!
Defo sounds like your plug, it can re-new its self though so my MW told me.
hello, mw sed it sounds like part of my plug but as it was only a little bit and i have an appt on thursday then to just keep an eye out for more of it.
ewww! lol :puke:
jodie_honey said:
hmm, last night i went for a wee and when i wiped i had like a ball of snot with blood stain in it..... i think im abit early for it to be the mucus plug. what do u think? it wasnt that big. :think:

Oi woman! We are due on the same day so dont be thinking you can get in there early!!
You best keep your legs crossed until the 17th Feb or else there will be trouble. :lol: :lol:

Mucus off....bah.... :x

:rotfl: :rotfl:
Oi woman! We are due on the same day so dont be thinking you can get in there early!!
You best keep your legs crossed until the 17th Feb or else there will be trouble.

Mucus off....bah....
lol im sure she will be in there past the 17th feb hun, mw sed it can happen as early as 30 weeks sometimes earlier.
ive got rly bad period pains. its not fair, u have 9 months of no periods but still get the pains....who designed this pregnancy lark! :rotfl: :rotfl:
jodie_honey said:
Oi woman! We are due on the same day so dont be thinking you can get in there early!!
You best keep your legs crossed until the 17th Feb or else there will be trouble.

Mucus off....bah....
lol im sure she will be in there past the 17th feb hun, mw sed it can happen as early as 30 weeks sometimes earlier.
ive got rly bad period pains. its not fair, u have 9 months of no periods but still get the pains....who designed this pregnancy lark! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Seriously though, how long have you been getting pains?? Are you sure they are not contractions?
no they arent contractions, just period pains in my back but im goin for my appt on thursday, il be fine.
thanx for the concern hun x
Babylicious said:
sounds like it could be, although I've known some laydees still have to wait weeks :(

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: DOn't say that... I was looking at loosing mine as a good positive sign...

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