Sorry but HUGE rant about our twatty govt!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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I have worked since I was 16 and have paid tax since my first working day.
After nearly 7 weeks of applying for my £190 grant, i have not recieved it.
Im not even entitled for the £500 grant BECAUSE I WORK!

And knowing they are going to stop the £190 grant in the new year BUT carry on the £500 really enfuriates me.

Absolute joke, if anyone I could do with the help, a girl i know went and bought a bloody TV with her £500! Absolutely rediculous when i need money to buy essentials for my baby!

Im sorry but i think its discusting as a Tax payer i havent even recieved the £190 and ive paid more than that in taxes!

I hope they make people without jobs actually go get them in the near future and not give so many hand outs to them. Or i swear i will stop working myself and just live the easy life!

I just feel i am being taken the piss out of!
hmmm i got £190 within 2 weeks of sending it of, max. id call them hun.
and as for the beenfit thing I totally agree, although Im on benefits myself at the mo I want to get back into work next year.
I feel bad taking tax payers money and agree i think its bad that people on beenfits get £500 when people who work normally struggle more and dont get any help!? barrrrking mad!
and to be honest all I need from the £500 is to stock up on nappies. Iv been lucky enough to have found everything I need at the carboot sles and my boyfriend has bought alot of the new stuff I wanted.
But its so true, i hate people who just go blow it on themselves. Im going to put it in her trust fund, the money I dont need, or keep maybe £100 out for things Ill need when shes here.
Totally agree with you!!! But i would chase them for the £190 as i got mine really quickly!! I used it to buy essentials such as toiletries/ nappies and now i am slowly getting through it all.

i am the same where you dont get any benefits for working and paying taxes and i've just moved so have our mortgage to pay and fund for baby!!! I know it's my choice but some help would be nice!! You wait until you see the child benefit and tax credit form it's soooo long!!!
hopeyou get your grant soon hon. i agree and have also worked since i was 16 and sometimes think the govt dont really care!! xx
U should b able to get the 500 after baby is born cos ul b entitled to tax credits...I got it last time and will get it again this time cos although me and dh work were only on low income so tax credits top it up xx
Yeah and who wants a bet i dont get any bloody tax credits! thanks lilly, its nice to have an honest persons story, when there are a lot of people not so honest out there.

I rang them and they said if i havent recieved it by my next midwife appointment then they will just reapply me for it, but not being funny if i dont get it for a further 7 weeks they are scrapping it next year so it wont even be available for me! god it makes me cross! I sure will have a fat rant at them if i dont recieve it.
emma what do you mean? is the sure start not just during pregnancy? x
apparently you can get the £500 when baby is here if you get the higher amount of tax credit - i've gota wait till i get the form back to find out if i can get it (not sent it off yet) but everyone gets some kind of working tax credit it works out i get £21 a week plus child benefit when they worked it out on the phone!!
U should get tax credits stil we do altho its not much like u ive worked since 16 and all i have had is £190 and then child benegit of £22 i know ots crap and i agee with u flexi but the gvnt are pronising to make work pay they better!
emma what do you mean? is the sure start not just during pregnancy? x

You can apply for the £500 up to 3 mths after baby is born. I think you can get tax credits if you are on a low income.
I just get so angry and upset at the people who take the piss out of the benefit system because genuine people like myself get a bad name. I've been on disability benefits for a long time and haven't been able to do paid work for a long time either but I've always worked voluntary. I've had to leave my last voluntary job when I was 8 wks.
I think it's unfair that people who are working and on low incomes don't get the same as those on benefits, it really doesn't make sense!!!!!
Although people have this strange idea that everyone on benefits doesn't want to work, get 3 holidays a year and a flat screen tv!!!! That does make me laugh!
Hope you get the £ 190 soon lexi.

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U can claim from 11 weeks b4 baby is due til 11/12 weeks after baby is due...if u don't qualify now u may qualify after bubs is here. My best mate couldn't get it wen she was pg but claimed it after cos her tax credits went up.
I didn't expect to get it last time so was shocked wen I did,me and hubby had combined income of about £23,000 thenxx
I am getting the £500 because I don't work, I am giving it to my parents who have paid for everything for baby as I have just moved into my own house and they've been so good to me, but I know what you mean it annoys me people who are on job seekers and don't look for work, I tried but no-one would hire me. =/ xXx
U have to get tax credits at a higher rate than the family rate...the family rate is 545 a year at the moment. After January ur only entitled to it for your 1st child tho xx
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yes so long as you are entitled to child tax credit and working tax at a certain rate you can claim for it for up to 3 months as soon as you get the baby registered send of for child benefit then do to tax credits ASAP and you now only get the £500 for your 1st baby(well i think this has come in to place now) even though i am on benefits i wont get a bean this time so not everyone on benefits gets handouts jsut because they are pregnant :)
lexi if u live at home, i think its based on ur household income, not sure if i remember u sayin u lived with ur mum n dad or if ive dreamed that up, lol

and id get ur midwife to fill in the form again for u, cos if u apply after 32weeks i think they dont consider u for it, see if she will back date the form and then put a letter in explaining whats gone off,

and i completely agree about the £500 its not fair that we pay taxes for people who arent looking for work to fund there child, i apprciate what the other girls have said about looking for work or on disability benefits, but it annoys me that my SIL's bf sits on his ass n does f*ck all n doesnt want to get a job on less than £8 a hr without any qualifications, well sorry matey but u aint gona do that, so he is quite happy to keep claiming benefits, FFS!!!

Well I totally agree. I did get my £190 health in preg grant, and have chozen to use it for my current kids xmas, £50 each (they are 11, 9 and 8 and want to save up for laptops) and £40 for baby Devon's stuff, bless him. Not quite what it's meant for mind, but helps me out.

I won't get the £500 quid either. I won't be able to apply after as I stayed in this job all year specially to get maternity money and so will get paid that fo 18 weeks, which I earned, so that will stop me falling lower. Hubby only gets about £17K at sainsburys so we will get our tax credit upped in the end, as they are messing me about at mo, with my changes I told them from last nov 2009! Seems a bit pointless , I could have left work and sat at home, waiting for my money instead of staying all year in a job I hated and made me stressed!

Sorry I do have an issue with this, as my nextdoor neightbour is due the same time as me, she has a huge bump and so is now gettin her mates to take her daughter to school and the new boyfreind, father of her baby, different dad for all of her 4 kids now.

I don't thnk she even has any idea when I'm due. Her other kids, like me are older , about 14, 12 and 7 and yet she has never worked in those last 2 years once last child went to school! Her new partner does not work either, and they are quite happy lording it about, waiting for baby to arrive and cash in on anything going and tax payers will paoy for it. Makes me mad - sorry If I have offended anyone, but once kids are at school , there is no reason why people can't work and provide for themselves, I would feel embarresed myself.
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can I just say.. benefits isnt "the easy life" as you put it lexi.
its first of all a constant battle to get what you are entitled to, and even when you get that.. Its just -not- enough to live on.

My benefits have been raised in the last couple weeks, which is fab.. but just to give you an idea, this is the fortnightly budget I have had to live on since february..

ESA Income - £83.90

Heating (Fixed Rate) - £10 (Supposed to pay 14.50)
Electricity (Meter) - £20
Tv Licence (Installments) - £10
Council Tax (Installments) - £10

Food Costs - £30
Leftover - £3.90

Im forced to run up arrears before i even think about buying anything else, be it clothes, or bubble bath! But I made it work, and i managed to get everything I need for baby -before- i got either grant .. Saving up, Second hand stuff from freecycle or gumtree, ebaying, finding charities set up to help pregnant women, and budgeting myself into managable debt in order to pay for things.

So im sorry.. But saying that being on benefits is easy.. Is just laughable, and saying that you cant possibly get the essentials for your baby without a government grant.. I cant quite believe. Your idea of essentials must be far different from mine.
with the way the goverment and house prices at the mo i dont think anyone can afford to live ive worked since i left school i was in the army b4 hand but left ive worked and stuff im currently on income support at the mo i dont like being on it but payed quite a bit tax when i was in the army i get buy on so little i have a flat i cant really afford havent moved in yet have to pay at least 350 quid on rent as hb will only pay a hundred on it im stil out looking or a job but keep etting reused as they woerent work around care for amy plus with me being pregnant again they dont want to take me on plus i dont drive so my flat is in a villiage i have to walk a mile each way to get a bus or train plus i have full council tax water rates and all the others bills and stuff i have enuff to get food and all amys things barely have enuff for myselfi felt embarresed when i first wen t the jc for claiming it coz i felt like a lazy nowt and that people were looking at me i have to sister that are really lazy along with there partners one has already been in prison or benifit fraud but still does it the other one doesnt like doing out and make up little medical stories to stop on esa i am moving in to the flat with amy as me and oh cant afford to move in together i do agree that there are some lazy people that cant gbe bothered to look for jobs as its getting hard even being a cleaner you have to have some kind of qualification but there are some genuine people how there looking for jobs its like dla theres people on that that could work im not lazy i still look for a job everyday but round here isnt very good theres hardly any jobs and the jobs that are about are ones you need qualifications for i would go to college but have to pay for courses and pay for child care even if i went to work now all my wages would go on traveling there and from work then paying to get child care for amy most people probs on benifit gets there tvs and top notch stuff from brighthouse or have store card which have debt i admit i am using brighthouse ive just got a setee and chair from there not coz i fancy it but coz i need it as i cant afford to pay out right for one iynwim
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