Sore bum :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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My mil had Owen on tues. my mum saw her leave the house without checking owens nappy and not taking the changing back or taking any nappies with her. I reckon he was in his nappy from 8.30am till 2pm :( I think thats started off a large sore patch on his bum :( I always clean etc and use sudocream at night before he goes bed If his bum his fine. He never had a bottom like this. It's got a red blotch that looks sore an raw :( so angry with her. She also fed him 2 hours late. I have been cleaning, applying sudocream and also lettin him have nappy off time. WHat else can I do for him?I'm sure it's so sore x
Sudocrem has always made my children's bums worse. It is a barrier cream and seems to stop the fresh air letting them heal, Metanium cream is brilliant. Using that once will probably heal it. Definitely by the second or third time. Be careful though as it's hard to wash out of stuff. Plus lots of nappy off time like you are doing. I also change the nappy every hour if it's bad. M LO hasn't had it yet but my eldest will get sore bum when teething, if she's got bit of upset tummy and when it's warm weather. I know it's not nice but will clear up quickly with the metanium (people also recommend bepanthum).
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Id just keep doing what you are doing and it should go. This happens to my lo often but not from lack of changing, its usually when he is teething i notice it. I put an extra thick layer of cream on at night, and ive also bought bepathen wipes to use when i change him rather than regilar baby wipes iykwim, ive found that they really help. I havent had any probs with sudocrem btw.
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Sophia has only had a sore bum once and it was when she was very tiny as the nurse at the hosp refused to changed her nappy - I had a c section and couldn't move out of the bed the whole first day and night. In the night I thought she had pooed, well I knew I could smell it so I rang my bell as asked her if she could check her for me. She had a go about waking a sleeping baby blah blah and left. When the MW came in she mentioned that she smelt like she had pooed, I explained I'd asked the HC assistant to help but she said she was fine. The MW couldn't believe she left her. When she came back the HC assistant wa mumbling about how I'd moaned the MW and she didn't think baby needed changing. Well she opened her nappy and it was everyone, my poor girl. She soon shut her face, she felt like shit and so she should. She then had to fully change her clothes and wash her. Stupid cow! So after this her bum was sore. I stuck to just cotton wool and water, lots of time with nappy off and I used bepathan at each change. This worked well after a good few days but if it was worse I would recommend Metanium - used it on my eldest and it fab xx
Metanium is fantastic I find it clears any sore patches with just the one application I'd never go back after using it x

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I've just bought the metanium cream so will try that ladies! Maybe teething could be a cause , but makes me angry she didint even take a nappy! Thanks ladies fingers crossed!! X
My lo got sore bottom at 3 weeks, think it was from wipes. It didn't look like nappy rash, was really raw looking. I took him to the drs and he gave me some cream called fucidin which really helped it heal.

I also recommend metanium it's great stuff
Forgot to mention, almond oil is really good too!!
Metanium is amazing!! I also find sometimes talc can help too to dry the skin out after using wipes!
My daughter had such a sore bum like that after having a reaction to crab paste, she screamed blue murder changing her nappy it was that sore, all red and blistery :( but after 2 days it was like 90% better just using sudocrem and not washing it too roughly or anything.

Just a note about talc its dangerous to use round their bottoms, you can get talc free talc - personally i wouldnt use it all if you can help it x
Sophia has only had a sore bum once and it was when she was very tiny as the nurse at the hosp refused to changed her nappy - I had a c section and couldn't move out of the bed the whole first day and night. In the night I thought she had pooed, well I knew I could smell it so I rang my bell as asked her if she could check her for me. She had a go about waking a sleeping baby blah blah and left. When the MW came in she mentioned that she smelt like she had pooed, I explained I'd asked the HC assistant to help but she said she was fine. The MW couldn't believe she left her. When she came back the HC assistant wa mumbling about how I'd moaned the MW and she didn't think baby needed changing. Well she opened her nappy and it was everyone, my poor girl. She soon shut her face, she felt like shit and so she should. She then had to fully change her clothes and wash her. Stupid cow! So after this her bum was sore. I stuck to just cotton wool and water, lots of time with nappy off and I used bepathan at each change. This worked well after a good few days but if it was worse I would recommend Metanium - used it on my eldest and it fab xx

Thats really bad :( I found the staff bad when I had a c section too mind, couldnt wait to get home, the midwives had been fantastic, it was just the nurses afterwards I couldnt stand.
I have had 3 sections and I tell you this one was by far the worst in terms of recovery and support at the hospital!

I was lucky with my first I was younger then so was up and about very quickly, I had my emergency section at 7:00am so by the evening I was walking about and I could change baby myself. On my second I had to be up and about to go and see my little one in NICU, so I think adrenaline just took over but on the third I honestly felt terrible. Really struggled, so I had a whole night of not being able to lift her for feeds or change her :( The MW's were excellent actually, it was just the support staff that were useless :( This same bloody woman kept trying to take my baby off to another room to change her etc to which I refused, she had to take her out though to wash her when she left her that long. I was furious!
Add a few drops of lavender oil to a teaspoon of milk and bath him in it - it helps soothe and heal.

Also if it's clearing get some orabase it's very good and used by scbu in some places for nappy rash/sores
My daughter just had a really bad nappy rash. Metanium did not clear it. Called doctor and they gave me a cream and the rash went in 2 days. I was also advised to use water and cotton wool intead of wipes.

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