sore bum

Since last Thursday but it hasn't got better in any way, still red raw and even bled a bit again, it's a real nightmare :(
My wee one had a sore bum just as your LO and i spoke to my chemist, he told me to use a warm flannel to wash him every change and thinly apply sudocrem but if it doesnt clear within 48 hours i was to bring him back as it could be a touch of thrush and he would need canistan cream. Thank god it cleared, after threatening OH if i found out he wasnt washing his bum with water but using wipes instead i would do him serious damage down below, as he looks after him during day when im at work then i take over for him to go to work back shift. xxx
You prob already do this but make sure you dry his bum (inbetween cheeks) with soft towel before applying crm and new nappy. xx
Yeah it can do hun, I spoke to my mum today showed her my little mans butt. she said my brother had it that bad when she put cream on he bled. If your that worried take him a pharmacy like furryheart said I wouldn't bother the doctors as they seem to be passing you from pillar to post x
Been doing as you said furryheart and I only clean him with warm water and cotton wool plus I always make sure it's dry, been using the canesten but it's not working and still giving the antibiotics in case he has any infection as it's so sore, GP took a swap last time so maybe the results will be back and I may know more that way, will see how it goes tomorrow and thanks for the replies, really helps having some support about it xx
Went back to GP and he sent me to the hospital who gave him a special type of paste cream to protect his bum because they said all the poo he is doing is eating into his sore bum and that's why it wont heal anyway have to try this for 7 days along with the antibiotics and see how he does, pleaseeeeeee god this works x
Poor wee lamb, i feel for you. Hopefully the paste will take effect. Fingers crossed. :love:
Oh dear , poor little thing, I didn't find bepanthen worked at all for my son, I swear by Sudocream, but plaster it on for best effect after every nappy change even if bum starts looking a bit better, till properly gone. water and cotton wool like your doing is great too, that's what I did for the first 6 mths.

Hope it gets better soon
Thanks so much, the sudocrem wouldn't go over the sore bit, it's kinda hard to explain but it just wouldn't plaster over it if you know what I mean, was real weird anyway this paste stuff that the hospital gave me yesterday seems to be working as a great barrier and his bum didn't seem as raw, it's still sore of course but I think this might just work, really hope so anyway and thanks xxxx
Yeah to go as far as saying he would have developed mini bed sore in like a baby stage of things. As his skin would have been in contact with pee and poo and that would have caused the problems. I have seen many bed sores etc from doing a bit of care work and know how sore they can get and angry looking x I was given creams for all this too and leo's has calmed right down now. I put little amounts on not loads as HV said it cogs nappy and then it doesn't work to keep the moisture away from babys skin x
Yay his bum is starting to get better now and looks more pink again and not raw :dance:
Aw great news!

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He looks so cute in your picture hehe. I remember my little man in his first hat :) Shame they start pulling them off x

Yay for his butty bet he is feeling better x
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He sure is and thanks so much to all who replied trying to help me, I really appreciated it xxx

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