Sore bits

futuremum said:
Steph, cannot believe little Jamie is already 4 months old!!!! I still remember you posting pictures of your pregnant belly!!! Time flies so quickly!!!!

Tell me about it!! I can honestly say i dont know where the time has gone!! Time really does fly by so everyone enjoy your little one as trust me they arent little for long!!!!
Paradysso - My pee hole used to be just below my Clitoris!! Was I odd from the start!! Maybe I'm normal now I've had Phoebe!!!!!!!! :?
Bubble dont worry you weren't odd lol. Your pee hole should be above your vagina. :wink:
Just an update:

I have had my final midwife home visit today. She had another look at my bits and decided I need reconstructive surgery as they have healed wrong. I knew from the beginning it wasn't right but they wouldn't listen.

So I have to wait 2 weeks for an appointment with my consultant, who can't do anything cos he doesnt do gaenocology (sp), then he will make me another appointment with someone else, then they will arrange for me to have surgery.

Great - just when I thought things couldnt get any worse :(
OH my god Kim :shock:

You poor thing.

I am thinking of you and sending you big hugs and Kisses ((((XXXX))))
also sending hugs and kisses, hope it all gets sorted soon hun xxxx
i havent read all of this thread but i get the genral idea.

big hugs going out to all of you with sore bits ((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))

I have been very lucky, i havent torn yet on any of my births so i cant imagine the pain your all having :(

kim, i hope you get sorted soon, that is terrible!
Well I have just got back from the hospital and they have now decided they do not want to operate on me, it is still healing and will just take a few more weeks. I'm getting a bit bloody sick of this now, I just want it sorted once and for all :x

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