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Sore bits


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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I've got a 2nd degree tear and a bad graze on my labia. Going to the toilet is absolute agony even when I do it sat on the bath with the shower pointed at it. It's worse than labour and I am feeling really really low because of it.

Anyone got any tips to help it heal quicker?
i had a 2nd degree tear too and i was in agony too but it does get betta it took me about 3wks to feel betta!
i went out shopping a week afta what a mistake it started seriously thumping with pain i just had to sit outside the shops while my mates shopped!
but at the beginning it feels like it will never stop hurting!
i justtook plenty of painkillers
Hi there

As you know I don't have any experience yet as baby isn't due until February but are you taking arnica tablets? I know people rave about it helping to heal their bits. Also my sister in law put tea tree oil in her bath which she swears helped her tear to get better.

Hope this helps a little, I really feel for you and I can only imagine the pain you're suffering.

34 + 3
i was told salt made no difference coz u need a bath full to heal not just a sprinkle but im glad it helped u cant say i got a tear coz i had a section but ive heard that aromathearpy stuff helps?
Not sure if it's different than using a shower but have you tried weeing in the bath instead? Sounds gross but it is easier.

Hope you feel better soon

when i had kieron the midwife gave me somthing called epifoam it was in a can and you sprayed it on sanitry towel it came out like shaving foam, it is like a freeze foam it saved my life it numbs you bits its fantastic
lavendar oil in the bath is supposed to help.I haven't used it this time but last time I used to put it in shallow water so it splashed around my bits LOL
I had a 3rd degree tear this time and it's been fine, Ijust have a regular bath every night and so far so good! I guess I've been lucky, my episi last time was agony.
Well, my bits are still sore and I have good and bad moments. It starts stinging when I go to the loo and the midwife told me a part of it is wet (moist) and I need to keep it dry otherwise would need some anitbiotics!!! So i spent some time on the bed legs apart (see the nice picture ;) ) but am annoyed with that. So I am using the hairdryer at the lowest temperature to help drying. I do not know if it is good or not but it will keep it dry lol

The pain can be so bad I cannot sit down or walk well and this combined to piles is not great either :roll:
I also had a 2nd degree tear then I was cut open from arse to elbow in theatre afterwards due to a blood clot in my perineum so I have a crotch full of stitches and amazingly they don't hurt when going to the toilet, only when sitting in certain positions. I've found that painkillers help loads to take the edge off but can't advise on the weeing thing sorry!!
Well my bits are still really sore. I've had a good look at them in the mirror and it looks like a moon crater/ulcer which stretches the length of my left inner labia. I've had 2 salt baths today and have been having some 'drying time' with no knickers on. Last night I put an ice pack against it and a load of savlon before I went to bed. DH has been checking it for me and says that it no longers looks so 'white' and has some little red bits over it so hopefully that means it's healing. It doesn't smell very nice but I don't think it's infected. I think the smell is from my stitches.

The MW is coming on Tuesday so I will get her to check it again then.

How long do stitches take to dissolve?
Not sure how long the stitches are supposed to last but mine look as if they have disappeared already and the wound looks a bit 'gaping'. I was really worried that it wasn't healing so asked the midwife to look and she said it's healing well but I'm convinced my bits will never be the same again :( :( :(
I can't imagine that mine will ever heal properly, there is no way that my labia/tear will ever look right, just as long as it all works properly down there that's the main thing I suppose :(
Can i ask you what " it is gaping" means? that is what the m/w wrote on my notes but i did not really like her so did not dare asking what it meant. I looked in the mirror and it looks like my vagina is in 2 parts, is it this? My bits are still sore and sometimes itchy. It smells quite bad too but I think it is the blood I am losing. What worries me too is that I have shooting pains down my anus and the top of it, like my contractions and it is not agreable.
Weeing is ok but poohing is a bit of a nightmare. since giving birth back to back, I have been a bit traumatised byt he pushing and the nuscle is still sore so it makes things difficult.

Anyway, i stop complaning now lol
Gaping means that the wound is open, not pulled together by the stitches. Mine is 'gaping' from front to back and I can't see how it will heal but my midwife says it doesnt require re-stitching and I guess she knows best. I also have 2 red lumps/crater type things one on each side and one of my flaps has been sewn down in part so is smaller than the other. I'll never be a porn star that's for sire lol!! :lol:
There is hope girls!

My bits are feeling ten times better now they have removed my stitches, they really weren't helping matters at all. It's still sore, but it's starting to look a lot more normal.

Only problem is now that I think I may have got thrush coming as it's getting really itchy (I think the antibiotics have caused it). Tell me if you'd like the thought of itching it down there?!?!?! :shock:
Glad to hear your healing a bit better Rosieroo, I can't say the same it looks as if my insides could fall out of the hole thats still there! About the thrush - ouch!! :shock:

How's little Ella doing?
Well, another midwife came in and had a look at my stitches and she sent me as an emergency to the GP to have antibiotics. The GP told me it was badly infected hence the pains and the smell.
Started yesterday and the smell had already gone :) The pain and itching have not gone yet but hopefully will be in a few days!!!
Good luck Nathalie, I'm glad you're getting sorted now.

Ella's a little poppet Kim, I'm feeling like the worlds crappest mother at the moment though cos of the breast feeding. I hope things get easier as time goes on, at the moment it feels like it's either my ladies bits or my boobs letting me down!
aww hun i had 3/4 degree tears after braydon and a day later felt fine even went to tesco lol - but as u may have read i am making up for it now as i slept with braydons dad for the 1st time since i had braydon the other day n tore again and had to have 2 more stitches and now its really hurting lol

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