Still Sore After Birth and Question! (Embarrassed)


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
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I'm a bit embarrassed about this and have been putting it off but need to ask!

When I was in labour and at the pushing stage, I felt more pressure around the top area than around my perineum. Yes.... that means that I felt it more around my clitoris (shudder!) I didn't expect that at all and Matt reckons it's because Luke's head came out sideways so the wider pat of his head was up/down rather than side to side if you get what I mean? At first I thought it was just pressure, but it's been 6 weeks (almost) since I gave birth and it is still tender, especially when I go for a wee - it's like a lot of pressure just over that area. :oops: Is this normal? Does anyone else have this/had it?

Also.... I tore. Quite badly it would seem, although the tear was only put on my sheet as a 2nd degree tear. The thing is... I'm now asymmetrical down there! My labia is no longer connected to the top on one side and it freaks me out. Matt's looked and has said it will never heal. I was stitched but that bit was left. I'm assuming it couldn't be re-attached. Has anyone else been left like this?

I have my 6 week check on Thursday and don't know whether to mention these things or not?

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: SORRY FOR TMI!!!!!!
I really cant offer any advice, even had to look up labia on google, and now scared to death about giving birth. Ive read aload, aload of birth stories and often people talk about the bruising erm * down there* not really going away for a month or so, this might sound a bit silly and its not at all based on fact but maybe its like a sprain ? sort of thing just takes a while to go back to normal ?? Sorry i cant really be of any help just thought id share and tell you not to be embarassed !! :hug:

but if i were you id just ask the doctor, im sure its not anything they havent been asked before and if there is anything that can be done about it theyll let you know :) :)
Im so glad u asked this as ive still got a weird pressure feeling around my clitoris area when i have a wee... :oops: it kinda feels like its sore, maybe a bit bruised but not on the surface kinda underneath... :? I cant explain, does that sound a bit like what u mean? :lol:

I put it down to being sore from labour but now 3 months on i still get it but not all the time :? I feel silly going to doctor about it so i've just kinda left it hoping it will go away lol! If you find out what it is then let me know :)

As for stitches im defo not the same down there if im honest, where ive been stitched they've crossed over the skin (sorry tmi!) and its kinda lumpy, I asked at my 6week check and she said 'its just one of them things' easy for her to say aint it, im the one with the wonky donkey!! :roll: :lol:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Please mention it at your 6wks check and have the Doc examine you, do not be embaressed, its always said but they HAVE seen ti all before, and its so important you feel comfortable again as soon as possible :hug:

I had a forceps delivery but Isaac was facing the side too and I had lots of pressure down there for over 2months and it felt so odd and scared me actually but after seeing the Doc I was greatfully reassured, and had my smear done at the same time, another not so pleasant but vital check.

Very best wishes, your Doc will be very supportive I'm sure :hug: :hug: :hug:
jsut wanted to not read and run..(although im scared :wink: ) lol.. i havent a clue bout it.. hope they checked when they stitched you up.. and didnt leave it coz they didnt see it..i would mention it when you go for your chk up
i had a similar weird feeling around my clit after giving birth... tbh i'm not sure how long it lasted - my tear went right up to my bum and that sort of distracted me from the odd feelings at the front! but seeing your post just reminded me... its definitely gone now though.

you should def ask your gp about it; like redshoes said, they've seen it all before. :hug:
happy_chick said:
Im so glad u asked this as ive still got a weird pressure feeling around my clitoris area when i have a wee... :oops: it kinda feels like its sore, maybe a bit bruised but not on the surface kinda underneath... :? I cant explain, does that sound a bit like what u mean? :lol:

Entirely the same!!! Yes!!!
DebbieM said:
happy_chick said:
Im so glad u asked this as ive still got a weird pressure feeling around my clitoris area when i have a wee... :oops: it kinda feels like its sore, maybe a bit bruised but not on the surface kinda underneath... :? I cant explain, does that sound a bit like what u mean? :lol:

Entirely the same!!! Yes!!!

I am not alone!!! :lol:

Well if its any consolation it has eased loads and I only feel it sometimes, I cant even say it hurts really cos its not pain its more like pressure as you said. I've been wondering could it be a water infection?! If you find out what it is then do let me know if you will please :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi Debbie,

I had an episiotomy and I wasn't stitched up properly. I'm also asymettrical 'down there'. On the right hand side there is a gap in my labia near my vagina so instead of being round, the opening to my vagina is tearsrop shaped is that makes sense. I hate looking at it, but check it now and again.

I demanded to be referred to a gynaecologist as the GP kept saying it would heal but it didn't.

The gynie said it's just cosmetic. It's perfectly functional, ie. I can have sex normally, have more kids etc, but she said unless I have more surgery it'll never look normal. She advised against having the surgery now and said I should consider it when I've had all the kids I want, as who knows what will happen down there with subsequent births!

My DH says that sex is still as good as before and he can't tell the difference, but he still hasn't looked at it!

I don't get that front pressure when I wee, but I do get it massively after sex. It feels like my insides are going to fall out for a few hours afterwards! I know what you mean though. I was pushing in labour for over 2 hours and I think it's really mucked me up.

I'm hoping with pelvic floor excercises and positive thinking it'll get better.

DebbieM said:
happy_chick said:
Im so glad u asked this as ive still got a weird pressure feeling around my clitoris area when i have a wee... :oops: it kinda feels like its sore, maybe a bit bruised but not on the surface kinda underneath... :? I cant explain, does that sound a bit like what u mean? :lol:

Entirely the same!!! Yes!!!

Me too! It felt worse when I really needed to wee, but it has pretty much gone now.

My epiosiotomy has healed funny too, I have a lump just inside where the skin has healed overlapping. I asked the doc about this as it was also really painful and she said if it didn't go she would refer me to a surgeon. Luckily the pain has now almost gone.

I would ask the doc at your 6 wk check to examine you (mine didn't do it routinely)

Me too, I was gonna mention it at my 6 week check but figured it has been getting better so I didn't. But yes; having wierd feeling around the unmentionalble button and when you are about to wee it hurts! Also my episiotomy scar is wierd and asymetrical. The last stitch before my bottom is strange, it felt like it was too tight after giving birth and now it just feels lumpy!

....But then I spose when there is a baby on it's way out there is no time to make everything look pretty, they just cut!
Hi, I've got the same problem :oops: Went to the doctor about it 3 weeks after having my lo and she said that she could not see anything wrong and is probably just from the 1hr 45 mins of pushing and should ease by itself :pray:
i still hurt there too , when weeing or number two im sure everything is gonna fall out :oops: been told to do pelvic floor exercises :wall:
i had a 2nd deg labia tear and mine looks normal. feels the same to wee and poo too, maybe my minge moo is tough :think:
I'm so glad you posted this as i've had the same "bruised" feeling around that area too in exactly the same way as you described...Layla also came out sideways and I had a ventouse delivery so maybe that's why :think: Well at least i'm not the only one...I feel a bit more reassured now! I'm over two months on now and am still getting that wierd pressure feeling :?
Me too! It's horrible!
I can't relate with the tear though. I was supposed to have my post natal last week but the Doctor only checked Ella when I had my swabs done (I'm having a coil fitted) I asked the nusrse to check them and they've healed well apparently. Definately ask them to have a look, don't be embarrassed hun :hug: :hug:
I had that too!!! when i went for a wee, i had this weird like tightening sore feeling in my clit and eased off if i stood up again slightly. The doc said that it just the nerve endings repairing themselves apparantly as they get ruptured when you give birth :shock: :shock:
i tore my labia too ands it looks funny, and bloody annoyed as i managed to get the tear right through the middle of my piercing :wall:

also have that pressure pain on clit when i pee, hurts even more when im peeing fast if i was dying for a wee if u get me.

im not too worried how it looks lol i will decorate with jewellery to disguise it :rotfl:
I had a similar thing and it turned out i had a water infection - i'd get it checked out just in case :hug:
while were all talking labia (whatevr the plural of labias is? Labaii?!!) mine have also changed - theyve got smaller :think: i have no idea how or why. Its actually a change for the better because i was self conscious about my 'larger labia' :oops: but now they are a lot neater :cheer: HOW??? (no they didnt tear off!!)

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